The ACLU hasn’t been a legitimate defender of liberty and free speech for decades.

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She should have known that being Asian ranked her lower on the Maslow's Hierarchy of Oppression pyramid than her African American colleagues. As an Asian woman she can play the oppressed card with people below her on the pyramid like white men, but never people above her like black trans women lesbians, for example. Rookie error! 😅

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Was the ACLU ever a genuine defender of free speech? Or was championing free speech merely a useful tactic when authoritarian leftists were the underdog, to be discarded as soon as they got real power?

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the feckless f**ks at the aclu leapt into the abyss a long time.

they are now the opposite of what they were.

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Mar 25
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and if they ever "win", people like that one will be the first sacrificed/lines up against the wall.

they are too dangerous to be let run loose.

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