I took weekly screenshots of VAERS - beginning 4 months after the roll-out, to present day.

So I can tell you that at the time of the April 2021 graphic behind Rachel Madcow when she was lying through her teeth, saying "millions of Americans have taken the shot and there has not been a single death" there were in fact 3544 deaths (or more).

(Depending on which under-reporting metric you subscribe to, that figure may more realistically have been 35,440).

One week later VAERS showed 3837 deaths. A week after that 4057. A month after that 5888. They just kept climbing, week after week.

Now in April, 3 years later, VAERS shows 37,231 deaths. And 1.6 MILLION injury reports.

Rachel Maddow, and the despicable industry she belongs to, lied. And thousands of people died as a result.

The media particularly need to be held accountable for such complicity, and their role in colluding with the Pharmaceutical companies.

The carnage was immediate, devastating, and undeniable.

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thanks for tracking the vaers data. that kind of stuff is thankless but invaluable for future dispensing of justice to creatures like madcow

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Spot on observation! I wish more people would go down the rabbit hole and point out all of the complicit criminals who ramped up the Covid hysteria and propaganda and agenda.

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All of these indoctrination centres are going to be bankrupted by litigation from damaged indoctrinees. Can't happen a moment too soon.

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But will it happen before the mRNA Bird Flu jab?

There are birds everywhere!

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And at this point, they're just laughing at the stupidity and gullibility of the masses, telling us that the chicken flu has somehow jumped into sea lions. Lol.

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I hope Rutgers becomes so bankrupt that they shut their doors. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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They also laugh when people suggest we’ll litigate our way out of their evil schemes.

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I was fired from San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California for refusing to test twice per week while working remotely from home. I have an approved religious exemption and I am or was a tenured member of the faculty in very good standing. I did not “obey” and I did not “comply.” But you have to commit if you believe in freedom and justice because many like me were fired for standing and not bending. Suing is not easy - it’s time consuming and expensive. But a few of us are out here in the cage fighting with everything. We all now know it was a complete failed operation that connects to the highest of tyrannical levels. So far the many criminals involved are still walking free in the medical - scientific - political and academic circles. They all need to account so the right side of history needs to be more active and do much more than post - with respect…

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My alma mater unfortunately. I hope they lose big, even though it will be NJ taxpayers who foot the bill.

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"It’s a shell game of deferred responsibility."

Indeed it is. I've seen the exact same thing with my husband's panel physician check: everybody is just following orders from somewhere else and no individual or institution will take responsibility should those hypothetical jabs injure or kill. I virtually guarantee that Rutgers and other Universities that mandated this travesty have dead and injured students as a result of it. Is there a class action suit pending on behalf of those individuals?

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idk if it's class action but there is a student lawsuit pending against rutgers

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Hi, My son is a third year medical student at Rutgers and I am a physician. I wrote a lengthy letter to several people in charge at his school in the Fall of 2021 when they required the booster. I layed out the scientific reasons that he should not have to take the booster, including what happened to his sister with her initial vaccine ( liver failure - including pictures). They never even had the courtesy to respond to me and he had to take that booster and more since then. I certainly hope the medical school no longer mandates the vaccines. I would be happy to share the letter that I sent and the names to whom I sent it if it helps in any way for this law suit. The depth of anti-science now taught and propagated at Rutgers Medical school is terrifying.

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We will never 4get! Set those tribunals up now!Thank Gott I was strong and resisted!

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I'm shocked to see them go against "The $cience!"

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