Thanks for your balanced review.

This 'issue' says more about the media involved than about RB.

Unfortunately, the issue has triggered a lot of obsessed women whose platforms are based on women as victims.

But, most of all, the real culprits are the money men taking down an insightful critic of their lying, stealing and bodily harm agendas.

Maybe he'll re-emerge on X.

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They're getting creative in their quest to destroy any nay-sayers and critics of the Brand New World agenda.

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IDK how creative it is, really. The anonymous rape smear is as old as time lol.

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Ha, very true.

But at least we have progressed from simple “misinformation” smears ( those were straying to feel a little last year, you know) to conspiracy theorist accusations and now branching out to rape and perhaps pedophilia and tax evasion next?

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Our Bill of Rights promises us the right to face our accusers. Allowing accusers to make allegations anonymously is such a horrible breach of this right, yet it apparently doesn’t get any push back from the ACLU or any SJWs.

I realize Brand is not a US citizen, but I’m guessing some of his accusers are. If anyone should be granted anonymity in sexual assault charges, it should be the accused. While the accuser gets sympathy, the accused can never recover from the damage done to their reputation, even if proven innocent.

Bottom line, this sort of orchestrated smear is not only intended to silence Brand, but also put all of us on notice. “Shut up and do as we say or you’ll be destroyed”.

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The Heil headline... 'Police urge victims to come forward as Russell Brand is accused of rape - and grooming a girl of 16...'

So, 'You can be a victim too and we're arbitrarily changing the law of consent'... To paraphrase.

I phoned up the police and told them I was a victim too and Russell had had his wicked way with me when my back was turned... But they weren't interested. I guess I'll just have to start my own mevictimtoo hashtag movement. Do you know any celebs? Celebrities obviously, not celibates... Celibate gossip pages are pretty hard to get critical mass on...

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He's on rumble yah? And also Bitchute I think? Plus pod casts? Betcha Joe Rogan has him on... LOL How many millions of listeners is that?

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We're beyond the point of YouTube being able to totally flush anyone down the memory hole. But the platform still has massive, undue influence on public discourse.

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Grooming vulnerable women to testify to nonense in court worked to advance the political agenda to get Roe V Wade passed. So they never stopped.

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