I'm cautious ablout becoming too enthusiastic about any politician.

But, RFK Jr. has an excellent track record. And makes his competitors look like hollowed out scammers.

Sincerely hope he does well - for all out sakes.

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I just don't see one form of population reduction as a whole lot worse than another.

At this point, it's not a slam dunk that they can keep pushing jabs endlessly.

They seem to have overplayed their hand, too much, too soon.

So, what else is cookin'?

Shuttering modern civilization through the Climate Change Psy Op seems to be coming on strong, as does invading white nations with military age men.

In Ireland last month, in Armagh City, County Armagh, Ulster, 20 Bulgarian Invaders brutally beat an autistic Irish child and his brother following a film matinee which the elder Irish youth had the audacity to treat his little brother to.

The harassment began in the theatre and culminated in the beating after, outside the theatre.

Armagh City is about 32K. Despite cameras everywhere, as yet authorities have yet to discover the whereabouts of 20 Bulgarian Invaders.

Rape, robbery and a host of other felonies are not often solved when committed by "Refugee" invaders.

The Irish Government issues multi million dollar grants to pay to lease entire luxury hotels to house the invaders. Meanwhile, rents are increasingly untenable, and many Irish are homeless.

Meanwhile, insane regulations aimed at destroying farms are all the rage with the Climate Change Crowd, and starvation becomes population reduction, all in the name of Climate, with so much branching off from just that alone, kids taught in school to eat bugs even though they are as germ laden as you thought, fake meat grown from Cancer cells, consolidation of farm land under Corporate Control.

At this point, Pharma becomes as much a distraction as a revelation, mRNA is going into animals and it's likely Jabbing Death becomes passe, st least for awhile, and the emphasis switches to the stuff that is insidious, and laying off the blatant for a time.

RFK Jr is not at all likely to split the ticket with Biden, if they weren't ready to kick China Joe before, if it wasn't planned this way in advance, they sure won't be backing him in '24.

Already, mainstream media is turning against him, his viability is over.

Instead he will split the Republican ticket, with many overcome with nostalgia jumping ship and voting for Kennedy Charisma.

I don't see that as fortuitous and I note Monsanto is humming along just fine, and last I checked, still selling Round Up, years down the line.

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When RFK Jr loses the primaries to either Biden or his anointed successor after the 25th amendment is used to retire him, the democrats should have a mass awakening to the cheating machine that is our elections. RFK is rising in the polls and it will be obvious. They did it to Bernie sanders but a lot of people missed it. I will not vote for RFK because of his environment/big government/2nd amendment stances, but I very much respect him.

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I know a lot of conservatives/libertarians feel this way. But I think he's persuadable on the issues of concern that you raise

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I'd love to throw my full support behind Bobby. I think he's amazing, and love what he's done with Monsanto and other wrongdoers. Environmental crimes are so heinous because it is near impossible for people to avoid the consequences, whereas with the clotshot I was at least able to refuse.

I am, however, deeply worried about the authoritarian use of power of the government/ WEF/ etc , and am worried about claims that he is a climate change enthusiast. I want to make sure I don't ever vote for anyone in favor of "climate lockdowns", butchering of livestock using methane as an excuse etc. Grateful for any info/links!

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I did read that when someone brought up an RFK/Trump ticket, Bobby responded that they respected each other and hinted they had collaborated during Covid, but they had very different ideas of how to run the country and it wouldn’t work.

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i wrote something of a fantasy piece a while back at PJ Media long those lines, except with Tucker instead of Trump. (all apologies for the paywall; that's beyond my control)


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