
In many meetings with city councillors, lobbyists and yes, even with JT himself, we’ve always found a way around their rhetoric. When they spout off on what they plan to accomplish, we ask “how”. Stops them dead in their tracks because they don’t have an answer. Not one has come up with any sort of plan as to how they would implement their so-called changes.

When they can start describing how, even the barest outline of a plan, then they might be considered worth listening to.

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Nothing recedes like recess, I always say, and you can attribute that to me.

My biggest question in all this is, why is the Deep State so freakin' terrified of Trump that they would split up the Blue Team, trash the Judicial system, crash the election system, weaponize the entire federal system, and bring the world to the brink of conflagration to keep him out of office? Is it just Trump, or the whole idea of Populism/Rationalism that has them so mortified?

The only real issue I can see is Nationalism versus Globalism, and on that score, RFK Jr. falls vaguely in the former category, but with a clear corporatist streak. At a more profound layer, it is de jure government versus de facto tyranny, and the Deepsters will trot out anyone who keeps folks down on the plantation. In this regard, I see no difference between any of the front-runners.

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Start reading Shawn Paul Melville on substack. He explains the newly announced OBAMA AI Initiative & the Obama AI Brain that has been in works since 1920…. Currently being implemented under guise of lockdowns & it will be labeled National Security. WHO was in charge of the Vax. The DOD … it’s all a new defense system being deployed against the global population 🙏😢

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I will certainly look up Melville's stack with thanks. I do note that AI of any kind is nothing but a very fast tool for sifting and organizing vast amounts of data. It does not, and likely will never have a "personality" or agency. AI cannot tell itself what to do, nor can it create its own parameters and algorithms. It cannot generate an idea or create anything original. It simply takes a given set of information and performs whatever task it is instructed to do. In the end, all AI is only as useful as the idiots who programmed it. It is a very useful tool, and like all tools can be very dangerous in the wrong hands, but ultimately without human controllers, it is an inert batch of instructions.

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They figured out how to harvest our Chi .. human animal husbandry.. transhumasim tech ..”if it has graphene, it’s not a vaccine” 🙏 you need a strong stomach.. but we all must wake up

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Being somewhat familiar with the technology, graphene can cut off the individual from Universal Consciousness (vibration) and turn humans into zombie-like creatures, but it is highly toxic. As a genocidal tool, it is quite effective, but as a means of control it is somewhat limited, akin to full frontal lobotomy. Graphene's ability to deliver medications to targeted cells was abandoned years ago, because of its effect on living tissue.

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Nope. Never been abandoned. It’s been done and aleady programmed for this. It reads air molecules through sensors .. that they’ve been installing at rabbit pace during lockdowns to finish off installation while bypassing local officials. .. you thought the NSA tech rollout after 9/11 was insane. Wait till you see the new DOD tech they rolled out in January 2023 through a Biden EO. I can’t remember the number. He’s been busy bee approving ALL this unlawful crap through EOs.

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And please check out the nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble. He has lots of SCIENCE... they can also do two way medicine delivery through drones now in America .. AI Medicine 😐

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Have you read the Biden EO on transhumasim .. you need to start reading what they’ve been approving into law by EO .. 🙏

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It was already taught everything it needed for this task ..

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AI has no volition, so it cannot exceed its instruction set. That said, when parsing data, it can only find what it has been designed to find. It can perform certain task unbelievably faster than any human, but ultimately the is only as useful as the programmers and the interpreters of the results. I will read up on the "Obama AI," but I advise being careful of deliberate disinformation designed to instill fear and despair. In the end, those are the most useful tools a tyrant has.

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Not this AI… it’s based in AI Intelligent Medicine & Covid 19 was the backbone computer program

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An AI may have gamed the Damnpanic, but its effect was limited on rational humans. Roughly half of humans did not buy into the game plan, which is a hopeful sign. Beyond that, resisting the armed enforcement was the bigger problem. However, once a person saw through the information manipulation, it became clear and ineffective. Regardless of what AI can do, it requires humans to act on it, and the most effective way to do that is to use fear to motivated individuals to act voluntarily. That is the biggest danger.

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It’s Nonvaxxer420 two xx

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I don't even consider Kennedy at all.

He has way too much Lefty in him to even consider him a decent human being.

Which, to be clear, I don't.

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Some of his positions, like his current one on slavery reparations and his past one on climate change, which he has since renounced, are very strange.

But with the right constraining influences around him, I think he could be an awesome attorney general or FDA head.

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I'd go for AG. He has enough integrity to make that office a force for good.

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I like him on some things also. But others he is totally a lefty 😀

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

The vast majority of swamp Republicans have more positions on which I don't agree than RFK Jr. On the stuff RFK says that I agree he couldn't be more articulate. He has more backbone than DeSantis - and I don't dislike DeSantis.

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That's why I don't trust him. He is a life time hard Lefty, and I am certain he was the Dem candidate from the beginning.

They were never going to run Biden. That's obvious.

So instead,steal Trump's playbook: The Outsider who bucks the system and the Party and wins riding the White Horse of Change.

You like the things you do agree with because he custom tailored them for the Campaign. Focus on that, instead of the diametric opposite he has espoused all his life until now.

It's really too transparent for words.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Politics is no longer horizontal, its no longer right vs left, rather it's now vertical, up vs down. It's the elite ruling establishment class vs the common class, the proletariat if you will. Continuing to play the party game, right vs left, he's a D, she's an R, plays right into the hands of the puppeteers who continue to divide and conquer.

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That was pre-Covid. That has upended everything. Including politicians… I truly believe that … it was from him I learned the truth about vaccines & our horrible government past. He made me open my eyes & dig deep & I have been shocked by everything I’ve found 😢

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My sense of things is that 2024 will see the Electoral Collage shy of a majority and the election get tossed to Congress. The Republican strategy should be to take as many seats in the House as they can, because the next president will likely be chosen by State Caucuses.

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Have you read the book 180 degrees. I can’t think of the author. It’s a non school version of US history. Yikes

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Oh no, the Kennedy and Trump thing here. Jesus Christ, man.

And then boasting about a drug kingpinTony Montana and some fool of a Holly-Dirt perverted Thespian?


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has sought to define himself as “the strongest peace and freedom candidate in two decades,” while denouncing “neocons and warmongers.” At the same time, he has zealously defended the conduct of Israel’s military and justified the country’s decades-long occupation of Palestinians – even denying that any military occupation exists.

Kennedy placed his Likudnik views on Israel-Palestine at the forefront of his campaign message after being bombarded with accusations of antisemitism stemming from comments he made at a private July 14 event in New York City. Over dinner, he responded to a question about the origins of Covid-19 by opining that “there is an argument” the virus did not affect Ashkenazi Jews and people of Chinese descent as strongly as “Caucasians and Black people.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy qualified.

When a New York Post reporter who had been present at the dinner published the candidate’s comments, a maelstrom of manufactured outrage burst forth from Kennedy’s opponents within the Democratic establishment. While the Biden White House and a host of Jewish pressure groups condemned Kennedy as an antisemite, a letter signed by 100 Democratic members of Congress likened him to Adolph Hitler.

When Kennedy arrived on Capitol Hill for July 20 testimony before the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz predictably blasted him as a Jew hater. He attempted to push back by deploying ultra-Zionist talking points.

“I’m the only person that has publicly objected to that $2 billion payout that the Biden administration is now making to Iran, which is a genocidal program. I’ve fought more ferociously for Israel than anybody,” Kennedy claimed.

He was apparently referring to the $2.7 billion Iran received in gas and electric payments from Iraq – not the US – after the Biden administration granted the latter country’s request for a sanctions waiver. In other words, Kennedy was framing cross-border trade between two regional, sovereign neighbors as “genocidal.”

Kennedy escalated his warlike rhetoric during a July 23 New York City event hosted by Shmuley Boteach, a former reality show rabbi recruited by the late Likudnik oligarch Sheldon Adelson to advance the cause of Greater Israel within the United States. (Adelson was a top funder of Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns).

During a 20-minute-long diatribe laden with anti-Palestinian venom and ultra-Zionist propaganda, Kennedy referred to hijabs as “habibs” and pronounced Chechnya as though he had not heard of the place until moments before the event. While pledging to prevent any country in the Middle East from obtaining nuclear weapons as president, the candidate seemed unaware that Israel possessed a secret nuclear arsenal.




Then you got some creep named Juan below saying "Kennedy has way too much Lefty in him to even consider him a decent human being."

Who the hell are these armchair wimps?

Darn, I stumbled onto one of THOSE Sub-Human Stacks. Never mind. Adios!

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Next time sum it Sparky. No ones got time for novel length comments.

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Ahh, another wimp, back to the 1930s yammering calling me Sparky. Queer as the Brokeback Mountain you Incels circle your wagons on. Novel length? What novels do you read? Mad? Marvel. Freaks.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Seriously, Ms Condescension, go slap your mother, hard!

She deserves it for the piss poor job she did raising you.

You are a malevolent presence, and if it were my page, I would ban you for your darkness and hostility.

Buzz off.

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I see a lot of comments on my articles that I don't concur with and some that I hate.

But, as I deeply value free speech -- and not as a cudgel for partisan bullshit as it seems most who ostensibly champion it use it for -- I have never censored a single comment on anything I've written here. Although I reserve the right to, I don't foresee it happening either.

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That's why I prefaced it as I did: if it were my page.

I am happy enough with your definition of censorship..

Personally, though, my definition doesn't extend to unprovoked verbal abuse.

I will live thru it, with nary a tear on my pillow.

But I feel no hypocrisy in saying I am anti censorship and anti divisiveness.

In the end, our views diverge but little, I just don't see the need to accommodate hostility.

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Ahh, the fucking banners. Yep, there is your muscle for a brain.

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Banners are a muscle for your brain?

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