Thanks, Ben, for highlighting this issue – totally new to me!

First, it makes me ashamed to be female. Second it makes the Unabomber look relatively normal. Third, these mentally disordered ‘customers’ appear not to know that what we do sets a precedent and by indulging in hysteria, a path has been created to smooth the way for more raging hysteria. Fourth, the ‘ragees’ might feel much better, both physically and mentally, with better fitting bras.

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. . . and zero caffeine, while going easy on the chocolate too. I wish it wasn't true, but caffeine, including caffeine and its close relative theobromine, in chocolate, is highly addictive, and causes tiredness, anxiety, irritability, impatience, while worsening nightmares and PTSD and disturbing sleep.

For habitual users (most of the adult and teenage population) the pleasure and relief experienced with caffeine ingestion is largely due to it relieving the withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine ingested in previous days. Addiction means, in part, getting up in the morning, imbibing and thinking that caffeine is our friend . . . . .

Caffeine / theobromine puts is into fight or flight mode, which is at odds with calm and relaxation and with creativity: the free flow of ideas gently banging into each other and sometimes producing something novel and valuable.

Then they would be in a better position to go easy on the alcohol (unfortunately a carcinogenic depressant which kills brain cells) and SSRIs and the like: the so-called antidepressants which tend to be highly addictive, cause emotional blunting and sexual dysfunction. A doctor writes about "antidepressants": https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-are-antidepressants-so-harmful .

Then they would be in a better position to be cheerful and attractive to healthy men who might love and care for them. Such men should, and generally do, run a mile from angry women with contorted faces, as depicted in the lurid video above, which I only got through half of.

Someone should also take these women aside and tell them that it is healthy, natural and normal for men and women to be interdependent, at both the societal level and individually, in loving relationships. This healthy interdependence includes women making the most of their supportive, caring, home-adapted, baby and family raising proclivities while men protect and provide, handling many aspects of the outside world, while their wives also help with family relations with other families. This doesn't suit all men and women, even among the heterosexual majority, but it is the healthiest and happiest way for most people to live.

It is also natural, normal, and devastatingly unhealthy for some men, women and children to attack, abuse and/or neglect men, women and children. Physically, most abusive men have it over women, children and some other men. Tremendous harm is done, especially when a child grows up with one or both parents attacking and neglecting them, emotionally and/or physically. This can forever change the child's base, emotional, understanding of the range of human qualities they need to cope with in general life. In a loving, healthy, family the child learns (or their brain adapts and so for the rest of their life works on the basis) that their life will generally be with people with a certain generally healthy range of qualities, compared to the full range of qualities which has no obvious bottom, given that some people get a kick out of cruelty to the point of murder.

This sets the individual up for a life of insecurity, half or more expecting even those who love them to abandon or harm them at any moment. Add caffeine and watch the arguments and divorce spiral to the doom of both people.

The destructive excesses of feminism were arguably driven by women who had the worst experiences with men and/or who resented their own femininity and felt safer, happier, stronger, more themselves when they adopted masculine behaviour and appearances. Its fine if some women hate or fear men and want to be more masculine themselves. It is a mistake to represent this as a liberation movement for all women - but that is what happened, and girls and women being very vulnerable to social pressure adopted this to their own extreme cost and to the cost of everyone else. This is not to say that there were no systemic problems with far too many men abusing, raping and sometimes killing women and girls, or with women not being allowed to vote, own property or control their own lives. I am referring to the destructive excesses of feminism, including the demonisation of all males, which go far beyond what is necessary to protect girls and women.

Another thing to watch out for is that there are profound evolutionary reasons why female humans tend to be inordinately attracted to brutish men. The fantastical drive to find the biggest brute in town who will love and not brutalise the woman and protect her from all the other (lesser) brutes is very strong, together with the nursie fantasy of healing the wounded warrior to make him hers forever.

One evolutionary element to this is that when the Hun attacked before dawn, slaughtering all the men of the tribe, and so proving themselves to be superior in every respect no matter what a bunch of uncouth assholes they were, the women who did not get the hots for them, fall in love with them, and have sex and babies with them are not our ancestral grandmothers. So, to the extent that genetic variations confer a proclivity to be attracted to brutish men, those variations became more common in humanity, and remain to this day. So bad-new boyfriends become worse-news husbands or partners and many girls and women are abused, harmed and killed by men they were sexually attracted to ans chose as lovers.

It is also vital to supplement vitamin D3 in quantities well above the minuscule amounts recommended by governments and most doctors. Without this, it is impossible for most people (the exception is white skinned people who somehow get lots of UV-B skin exposure all year round, which increases the risk of skin cancer) to attain the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (made primarily in the liver from vitamin D3) which their immune system needs to function properly. Please see the research cited and discussed at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day, on average, is a good amount for 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity.

25-hydroxyvitamin D is also needed for the internal (intracrine) signaling of many cell types beyond the immune system, so low 25-hydroxyvitamin D causes, to a significant degree, dementia and depression.

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Good and thoughtful info!

Thank you.

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This is what the 1970’s Primal Scream therapy of Dr. Janov has morphed into. The left will do anything and all things to keep the “oppressed/ oppressor “ rage machine going. They absolutely must keep it going, or there can be no revolution. Yes women can be misogynists and blacks can be racists, though the Marxists will tell you that isn’t so - they are liars.

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Strange how the distressed but genteel chardonnistas of Renee Zellweger's chat group have, in 30 years, morphed into sweaty grimy atavistic ogrettes. Yet Tom Cruise remains utterly unchanged.

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"ogrettes" is a great term. i may have to borrow that at some point

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Dear Ben, thank you, Ed

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Thank you for your insights. Sharing far and wide.

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No need to imagine, just look at photographs of the rubble of Europe after World War II. Look at photographs of the liberation of the death camps. That's the future of this. Mountains of skulls and cities in ruin.

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No better endorsement for bringing back the Patriarchy than this foolishness.

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