... hate bursting your bubble, pal. There is no more republic. There is no more constitution. There are no more elections. Your 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendment guarantees, are toast. Your judiciary's crumbled, into an intellectual anarchy run amok on arbitrary selective prosecution binge. Your legislature's subverted, by the corporations. The weirdos, creeps, pedophiles and queers subverted your K-12 public education. A long time ago, rogue CIA and FBI agencies subverted your executive branch of government. Strangest thing ever seen by man nor beast, who would have ever guessed it would be the hospital corporations and big pharma, having subverted your mass, mainstream media. Leona Helmsley was quite right, only the little people pay tax; only the little people go to jail. Face facts, no room for argument, sad truth of the matter, its the Pelosis, the Feinsteins, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, the Bushies who are God's peeps. These are the people the man upstairs rewards; embellishes; deems untouchable; deems above the law. They're God's peeps. And, they know it. The rest of us? You and I? we aren't. And, they know that, too. Work hard, don't ask questions, watch television, be a good consumer, pretend to vote and keep your mouth shut. Or, else. Ours is but to do, and die - Samuel.

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Careful now. Rep. Rick Allen, good ol' boy from your home state, is now thumbing through the Bible to come up with a passage to nail you to the cross.

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Good try Ben - but just like in the UK - nothing will be done until these vampires are extinguished. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/gods-rule-data-war-consult-vaxx-apathy?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Ben, I am trying to contact Rep Majorie Greene because your suggestion has merit. This strikes me as a doable goal for the House of Representatives to create a law demanding such. Government agents should be under possible perjury penalties and no less.

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Good point. Any civilian that does not tell the whole truth to the FBI can go to jail, if the regime so wishes. But the regime can lie to 340 million citizens, repeatedly, almost every day. And few see anything wrong with this dynamic. Symptom of we are beholden to the government, rather than government beholden to, and deriving its authority, from our consent.

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