There are considerations beyond ethical victory and compassion alone.

These actors annihilated public trust in democracy, the rule of law, due process, the integrity of public health, and did measurable damage to each and every one of our lives.

Beyond following orders, many were actively bloodthirsty and reveled in bringing state power to crush healthy citizens guilty of no crime who simply dissented.

An argument can be made that there are plenty of foot soldiers not worth prosecuting. But extend that olive branch too far and no one will believe a new regime will be any better.

Some people need to literally hang for this. And many, many more need to be publicly pilloried and made to feel at least a shred of what they did to us.

Whatever is done must be sufficient to burn these two years firmly into our memories. Many of us, innocent and guilty, are eager to forget.

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I largely agree and err heavily on the side of "hang them all and let God sort them out" rather than mercy. A lot of those questions I posed in the article were rhetorical.

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Rhetorically agree, but I am opposed to Capital Punishment. The government, even a post lustration fresh crop of leaders, can’t be trusted when it comes to deciding who lives and who dies.

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