I think it's gonna be too big to rig

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"too big to rig"

i like it

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I like it too. “Too big to rig..” is now one of Trump’s go to lines at his rallies. It will take overwhelming public support to change the direction of the country.

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I agree, Andrew. The overwhelming support Trump has garnered this time around will, most likely, preclude huge rigging. The absolutely pathetic figure of Biden, whom even Democrats want gone, provides a stark contrast. People will question.

He's got support from Silicon Valley and huge financial names representing transnational corporations aka Globalists. Jamie Dimon fgs. People view their Soros-elected DAs and the lawlessness ensuing, and they don't want more on a federal level. Blacks and Mexicans changing parties. The one contingency he won't have is the illegal immigrants, and the Republican party needs to mount a challenge where voter registrations have been handed out to noncitizens. Should we be aware of possible overreaching tampering? Of course...but watch your thoughts, people. Thoughts become reality.

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And if Trump sees time in Rikers, it will be a 48 state blowout

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All of the above.

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All of the contingencies are the result of false flag actions by the oligarchy, as has been the case in most of the US wars which have always lead to reduced freedom of the people and more power to the state. I don’t have the slightest expectation that the regime will not pull out all the stops on this one.

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All of the above one at a time if the previous doesn’t work.

Personally I’m hoping for aliens. The others are all old hat.

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continued lawfare

plus bird flu

plus mail in ballots

plus more vote counting delays / counting votes without both sides present

plus shit no one else will think of til October surprise

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Assassination, obviously. Coerced resignation from election.

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I can't pick more than one?

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Cyber Attack - as I wrote about late last summer:

- Cyber Attack Crisis (Part 2 of the Alien Deception Distraction)


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I think the Deep State will assassinate Harris, blame it on Russia, put a stooge in for VP, have Biden judged mentally incompetent, run a bunch of false flag cyber attacks on infrastructure, roll out

a plague, declare a State of Emergency, jail or assassinate Trump, Run Newsom in November,

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lol that's quite a series of events there

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Hopefully no nuclear war before I’ve sold my house and run away!

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Wouldn't take much rewriting of the northwoods script to combine the domestic terror false flag w WW3.

Don't they basically keep rerunning the same FF script over and over, like Lombardi and the power sweep?

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Why bother? Just because the graft under Trump does not obviously benefit Biden supporters is absolutely no reason to remove Trump with Extreme Prejudice. He is CIA since at least the 80's and Resorts International. Since losing power he has begged to be seen as a contender and thus deserves a second term even though as Presidential whores go Biden is far far more flexible for less money than Trump. Regrettably both men appeal to voters. This though is a far more detailed subject.

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And the World lived happily ever after...

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I have to pick just one?

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I believe the powers that be, just like last time will never let Trump be elected again. But in the meantime he can make lots of money campaigning so he can pay off his large legal expenses.

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All of the above to see what sticks?

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I'm afraid the "ballot manufacturing" infrastructure is being ramped-up to account for a wider Trump margin, but the Pros, ie., the Democrat Leftists have a large buffer of illegal voters living in illegal places. Check out this post from Omega4America on my blog post titled "Republicans On Track to Lose the Most Important Election in 100 years--thanks to Industrial Strength Democrat/NGO/Dark Money/Chinese-Funded Ballot Manufacturing"

It's extremely eye-opening and depressing.


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