Thank you for this update.

Your first few paragraphs really sum everything up.

Essentially, criminal organizations (U.S. govermnment and all assorted organs and institutions) are not good at policing themselves. It would be unwise to expect them to do so.

If you think calling our government a criminal organization is hyperbole you really don't understand the world you live in.

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K first of all, ALL VACCINES ARE BAD FOR YOU. There is NO SUCH THING as a "beneficial vaccine". So to say, oh, it's not a real vaccine...WHO DO YOU WORK FOR? THE REAL VACCINES ARE BAD FOR YOU, GENIUS.

But let's drop a few more truth bombs this guy won't touch.

1: 100% OF VACCINES ARE INVENTED BY JEWS. Here is a statement that I've been making for YEARS. And TO DATE, NOBODY HAS PROVEN THIS STATEMENT WRONG. To imagine that .2% of the global population is responsible for 100% of all invented "vaccines" and to NOT imagine something wrong is an indicator of absolutely ZERO critical thinking skills.


Let me repeat that one more time in case you missed it. The ACE-2 receptor which is responsible for the deliterious uptake of this "vaccine" TARGETS WHITE AND BLACK GENOMES but does NOT target Ashkenazi Jewish genomes.

And yes, this is PROVEN and DOCUMENTED BY OFFICIAL SOURCES. The "covid vaccine" is an anti-white and anti-black bioweapon. PROVABLE IN A COURT OF LAW. If anyone wants a link to see this FACT for themselves, I'll be happy to provide it.

3: Let's talk about why the case would be thrown out of court. Have any of you heard of EPSTEIN ISLAND? Jeffrey Epstein (MOSSAD JEW) and Ghislane Maxwell (MOSSAD JEW) have kiddy diddling video of probably every politician, actor, musician, and judge in the world. You ever notice how nobody ever mentions WHO EPSTEIN WAS WORKING FOR? How come the people like the "author" of this "article" never mentions EPSTEIN'S EMPLOYER? Hmm? They talk about the "Epstein Client List" like fingernails scraping on a chalkboard. BUT NOBODY EVER MENTIONS WHO EPSTEIN WAS WORKING FOR. WHY NOT?????

Because the people Epstein was working for...

Are the same people that write "articles" like this.

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Fraud viciates everything. United States vs Throckmorton.

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you won't win in federal court. the only was is through the states. dr. david martin is currently working on this.

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Nobody is coming to rescue anyone. It will have to friends and family and like minded allies.

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Pfizer has more than enough Covid "vaccine" profits to bribe as many judges as required.

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Up here in Woke Canuckistan, Vaccine Choice Canada abandoned its lawsuit against Justin Castreau and a whole bunch of other people and agencies. Why? Because the courts would not give them a fair hearing. Here's the problem Ben, as I suspect you're aware: All our politicians, all our institutions; the judiciary, the health care sector, the academy and certainly our lying whore media in all countries of The West, are bought, corrupt, and rotten to the core. Reports everywhere on Substack and other places of people dropping like flies. In the Media? Not a word. The gentle chirping of crickets in the cool evening air... 🙄



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According to Canuck Law, Site logo image Ronnie posted: "

Court Asked To Throw Out Vaccine Choice Canada Suit As “Bad Beyond Argument”


Combine these two matters: 1. The Courts have clearly demonstrated their unwillingness to properly consider the facts as they relate to COVID-19, the evidence and lack thereof of a pandemic; the extent of harm caused by the so called “vaccine”; the extent of harm caused by measures and mandates imposed by governments including masking, social distancing, lockdowns, injection of a genetic material; lack of proper safety testing; the violation of our Charter Rights and Freedoms, and other matters related to the government’s response to the COVID-19 event.

2. The Courts have clearly demonstrated their unwillingness to consider expert testimony that challenges the claims of Health Canada, the CDC, and statements made by various government officials, officers and agencies.

and they have no chance in canada argument quality aside.

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"federal court dismisses case" good to know that the "Justice System" is still working as expected in the USofT.


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“desire to avoid discovery” …

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