Dec 3, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Regarding your pondering about your existence, in just the relatively short time I've known you, you have taken on many issues of importance in a very professional, astute and meaningful manner. Hope to see you on Tucker soon.....and to answer Liuba's question to me: No, you are not transphobic :)

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Lol thanks for the non-transphobic stamp of approval

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You can take that to the bank coming from a friend of Dorothy :)

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

Didn't Denis Leary steal Hicks' material after he died? I like Bill Hicks but I don't agree that everything he said, thought, or created was 'the truth". I've awakened from the lies of the Left, including all who pretend to be Conservative, and I see the world very differently than Hicks did.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Denis did that, but I have no idea.

For sure, no one has a monopoly on "the truth." We all run on limited information and personal bias.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Ben Bartee

boy, awake is not what I was sold. I know you know.

Ben I like how you punch. you strike the blows I wish I could, but that's your gift not mine

so thanks thanks, you punch for me too!

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thanks, Billy

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I appreciate Bill Hicks. I especially appreciate the conspiracy theory that Hicks isn't really dead, but actually has repackaged himself as another form of post modern performance artist, performing a second act as Alex Jones. The two faces are eerily similar, as is their material, even if the respective vibe is a bit different.

Hicks' "It's Just a Ride" bit is nihilistic. Like Dharmic religion (Buddhism and Hinduism) ending in Nirvana, which is to say the loss of personhood and the escape of Samsara (pleasure and pain), is nihilistic. Hicks let that New Age nihilism curdle his mind and heart. But you can see that it really was an act, by what he says in his letter. He still has hope in eternity, you see.

And hope is a Christian virtue. You have to hope in your own personal transcendence to have any ultimate hope at all.

What hope is there that we each matter as individuals, as persons? What hope of transcendence do each of us have? - that we could be like Napoleon, Alexander, Diogenes or Shakespeare, that we each could really eternally matter? - What hope do we have to be like Jesus, changing world history? That question begs the question of why the world in its passing futility matters at all. Why do the memories or shades of Napoleon, Shakespeare, Diogenes and Alexander matter, if in the end all there is is nothing but the howling void of nothingness? Why does anything matter if all there ultimately is is Nirvana, the pointless meaningless Ride that Bill speaks of?

Riddle me that, you hopeless post modern twats. Is the problem just that iffucking you actually started to hope, really hope, that you'd have to stop butt fucking around and repent of all your masturbatory avarice, abandon your lustful desires and actually pray?

If so, then all I can say is that that's really lame. I'd also say that that explains basically everything that's happening in our culture right now. Buttfuckers' sterile buttfuckery is riculously fucking lame, it ends in sterility and annihilation, and if we hope to survive both as individuals and communities, we need to reject both buttfuckers and their nihilistic fuckery before it becomes too late.. Our souls and culture both depend upon it .. cf. 2 Timothy chapter 3.

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