I have gone the "eat bacon and eggs and avoid wheat and sugar" route and I like it. So I do think fat is good and fake oils bad.

BUT I notice "science" is angling to point the finger at crisco for all the chronic illness, for which science will concoct more serums and potions in their sciency labs. Oh, and no need to look at the tenfold increase in 'lifesaving vaccines" against things like chicken pox and weinie warts.

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Likely some of the best articles to be found on the internet regarding the disaster that is seed oils:




Lmao @ trigglypuff display. Phew, so glad I'm not anywhere near the university system of today.

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Excellent post, an interesting piece of information, cannabis seeds are a single source food item. What that means is if all you had to eat was cannabis seed it would sustain your life. It has the proper ratio of omega 3 to 6 for human bodies, plus all of the required amino acids even the ones our bodies don't make and the ones our bodies don't make enough of. Hemp seed for life... Peace...

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hemp is truly a remarkable plant

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You should read my Substack "Cannabis"

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TrigglyPuff? Are you serious? Shaking her jello arms in indignation. Uggghhh. Listen, the correct diet will be the one that helps you clean out your system of feces. Meaning lots of veggies, fruits, with small portions of GOOD QUALITY MEAT, if you so choose. Due to funny money, there are food items that used to be very good. I personally really like Tofu but recently had to stop due to black mould inside unexpired product or the product is now sooo different I cannot eat it. Other than that, veggies, farm raised meats in small portions. What is so complicated about that? We also love stews. If we want junk, we eat it but that is usually restricted to one night a week. We do not diet at all. We just eat real food.

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