Excellent, Ben.

"Is this lady, who markets herself as a champion of freedom of expression and human rights, going to speak out about compulsory hijabbing of women in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere?"

Or will she speak about stoning women to death? You're right. Women such as she only speak when they're within countries who profess to protect freedom of speech for women.

I've only seen one Niqab in person in the U.S., which gave me the shivers. The complete erasure of the person as a human being was displayed for all. The Niqab signifies nothing else. You cannot respect what is not acknowledged. What you cannot see is made lessened and more insignificant.

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The Olympics would be more interesting if all the athletes participating went back to the very limited garb of the original.

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France has the largest Jewish population in Europe. Could this be the reason for the war on women wearing the hijab?

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Ben, Should I remind everyone to buy your book to find out about your experience in Saudi Arabia?

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