Jun 15Liked by Ben Bartee

My son was in Peru about three weeks ago for a University trip. He enjoyed Machu Picchu. It was his first time being away from family for more than a day or two. So he took lots of photos. Lots of them.

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Jun 15Liked by Ben Bartee

Enjoy Machu Picchu. It's a spiritual adventure. Blot out any distractions. Climb the mountain.Views are outstanding.

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Those Chinese tourists have sharp elbows and they know how to wield them.

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If you are unimpressed by Macchu Picchu, I’ll be surprised. It’s an extraordinary place. Just the train ride there is an experience, and the peak itself..

Well, I was going to avoid going there, too, when in Peru, for the same reasons you have. But my mother told me I’d be a fool not to go. I went, and I have to say that the experience of it may exceed the hype.

It would take China emptying itself of its philistines upon that place to mar it. You can ignore the horde, find odd corners there to fully feel the over-welling solitude and emptiness that gird the numinous solidity of that peak.

It is like a pagan cathedral, it pierces through to the transcendent somewhat like Notre Dame did, or Chartres or Amiens do. The veil is definitely thinner there, and I don’t think that you cannot but be touched by God when you brush against his immense space and luminosity there.

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I hope you and your wife have a fantastic trip! And maybe some adventures to regale us with. : )

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If you still can, do the four day walk and get up early to arrive via the gateway to the sun before the tourists...

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Also, glad you are taking Liuba's advice. She's an amazing spirit guide in your life. I know you know that.

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So are you no longer Bangkok based? Enjoy.

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havent been for a while but i havent changed my bio because i like alliteration. i plan to return in the near future though

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