Aww come on, really?

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🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 President Joseph Robinette Biden - the greatest example of why it is immoral for there to be a two term president limit!! 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 (Am I crazy, an amateur comedian, or both? 🥲)

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Total fraud.

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Don't know which was worse. "Fake Doc" reading The Night Before Christmas or Joe finally waking up and getting a boner in anticipation of the kid sitting on his lap.

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The most exquisite video I have ever seen opens with a father at a bank of pay phones in an airport.

He is pretending to make a call.

But really he is waiting for two US Marshalls escorting the perv that molested his son to jail

As they pass, the father steps away from the phones, pulls a gun and shoots the perv in the back of his head as he walks with a Marshall on each side..

As quick as the Marshalls spin around, Dad drops the gun and puts his hands in the air, an unmistakable look of deep satisfaction on his face.

My eyes get leaky just thinking about it....

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... social scientists, we toil in interdisciplinary bubble-like intramurals, trading thought, putting our heads together, piecing together puzzles of social phenomena, figuring things out, being like ants, building a bridge to the other side. We know, the election was flipped. What we didn't understand was, exactly why? What we strived to understand, in particular: why? Our democrat friends, gone berserk, trying to get into their heads? What were they thinking, feeling, what was their thought process, what was their rationale? What was in their minds? We bounced around ideas the last few years. Did our democrat friends have a sense of urgency, getting a John Wayne dude in, at 1600 Pennsylvania, to get those wagons in a circle, ward off impending doom, mop up a terrible mess, execute a secret agenda to save the world, perhaps get a clever guy into the White House, to rearrange our inputs for more output, no additional investment necessary? All reasonable, plausible, justifiable, altrustic explanations for flipping the election, came back zeros; a non sequitur; false assumptions. That it wasn't a John Wayne dude democrats chose? That it's a pedophile, the most corrupt politician in United States history since Boss Tweed? That it's a guy the CIA and FBI people already had the goods on, whom they could pull the plug on, however whimsically they please? In our scholastic bubble, overwhelming consensus for the democrats' rationale, having rigging the elections turned out to be -- puerile, sophomoric: "... well, we flipped the election, to make it so it would turn out how everyone really wanted it to turn out, deep down inside." By overwhelming consensus, it was agreed upon, principle motivation behind democrats' having flipped the election was -- hubris; payback. Inflation, pain at the pump, pain at the grocery line, selective prosecution, our borders overwhelmed, never ending race war, war in the middle east, war in Eastern Europe, a 24/7-365 deluge of television psy-ops? "How 'bout a little fire, Scarecrow!?" Remember L. Frank Baum's wicked witch of the west: "... this is your punishment! This is what you get, not voting for Hillary!" So happens, Bejing Biden's proved perfect curtain to stand behind, to met out punishment, upon us. Just after the 2016 election, Las Vegas massacre everyone's forgotten about? That was payback. Bad Americans, we need to be punished. That's the attitude. That's the how, and the why, the 2016 election was flipped. The CIA's attitude? If we don't do it? Someone else will - asj.

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*... correction, typo, grrrr! Sorry, "... That's the how, and the why, the 2020 election was flipped - asj.

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... you won't see our revelations in our school's textbooks, for a hundred years - asj.

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Ooooo burn! So accurate

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Frohe Weihnachten to y'all

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