All we can do is follow Best Practices.

And the best practices regarding doctors and dentists is and always has been to avoid either of them as far as practicable, only seeing either as a last resort when all other options have been tried.

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I've been doing that for years!

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One has to wonder if Ben Bartee has ever heard of the late Dr. Hal Huggins and his compatibility dentistry program. He went to the trouble of creating a system based on the a blood draw from the patient to produce a written report on the compatibility of every product that might find its way into the patient's mouth on a scale. Naturally, the ADA and all mainstream dentists wrote him off as quack or charlatan.

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Another load of BS that got huge tax dollars but is the emperor’s clothes ...

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I read that *they* are trying to put self-assembling nano particles in ALL injectables including insulin.....these nano particles have been photographed using a dark field spectrometer, and have been found in Lantus insulin.

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I've been following this issue carefully from inception via Drs. Mihalcea and Carnicom's works. I've followed Carnicom for years and years beginning with his Morgellons research because my red pilling occurred as I cured myself of "Chemtrail Flu." The unfortunate fact is that nanotech has been revealed in food; rainwater; streams and rivers; innumerable OTC and prescribed medications; soaps; etc.

I'm also following some young people on Substack who are using Dark Field Spectroscopy to look at various substances. This pollution has evidently been ongoing for decades with the advent of chemtrail spraying. One reason they've concentrated on respiratory "viruses" or infections, imo, is because most people are weakest in the lungs from decades of chemtrails. If you're young, your age and vigor likely mask these effects for now.

I've looked at innumerable programs and suggestions to combat the nanotech within our bodies as Dr. Mihalcea has shown that unvaxxed blood carries the same nanotech. Of course, those vaxxed have the greatest nanotech present but have equally spread the quantum-dust-like particles to unvaxxed. Remember reading about the transfecting vaccines? Well, they arrived. I'm devising my own protocol following well-established findings and encourage everybody to look closely at this topic. Many of the comments in Dr. Mihalcea's substack have incredibly valuable suggestions and tips from people who have already implemented protocols.

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This is some scary shit!

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Hey Dan: I bought a $100 Amazon microscope, because I'm that type that needs to see it to believe it.

Even under this cheap unit, my worst fears were confirmed.

This is truely the stuff of nightmares.

BTW I gather it is in all pharmaceutical products now.

Cleansing it out is possible and must be a priority IMO.

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Thanks for sharing. A while back I had asked my son's dentist which anaesthetic they used and that one turned out to be ok. But, if they are ramping up and trying to push all manufacturers to put this crap it, that's just a whole extra lot of verifying to keep my child safe. These f*ckers are intent on poisoning and depopulating each and everyone of us. The reality now is we have to do everything we can to keep ourselves safe and alive from these psychopathic killers. Be safe my friend.

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Sigh. I love and trust my dentist (she told me our teenagers didn't need braces and any orthodontist who said they did was lying.) I'll ask her about this, but will they even tell dentists that they're using this poison?

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Ben, shouldn't you be writing in a few specialties reporting for some major print journalism source? I feel like you grasp lots of concepts most of the people doing the job do not. Just on a technical level.

And, I know on an idealogical level.

A VERY strong mistrust of government and officialdom makes me so happy.

And yet, I would argue that actual conservatives never wanted groped by anyone. You're thinking of Republicans.

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Gee it's like wondering what's next?

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