As a Brit, I know little of her but, what I have seen, does not impress. Could she have a drink problem? I do recall her casually-dressed husband tackling an over-excited intruder – perhaps. The exuberant Pelosis certainly appear to be an adventuresome couple!

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id say more like a Xanax problem but it could be all of the above

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You nailed her description perfectly! Made me chuckle, but her record makes me cry! 😢

I’ll never understand these folks reluctance to leave public office well into their 80’s when they’ve already made their millions at the public teat?!?! Not enough?!?! My word!!!! 😞

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They are Dedicated Servants of Evil and they like doing it.

They actually believe they can use their Tinker Toy Tech to prevent the Messiah's return.

The One enthroned in Heaven laughs...

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Breaking: Ringwraith Addresses Minas Tirith University.

"ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," said the Nazgul.

"kkkrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," it added.

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The crowd applauded and broke into chants of "Gû kîbum kelkum-ishi, burzum-ishi. Akha gûm-ishi ashi gurum."

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The Mafia, like Pelosi, Soros, Gates and Musk, and the rest are all Luciferian.

That's why so many of them are cloaked with Catholicism. They follow the Pope, Satan's Vicar on Earth.

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Pelosi wouldn't know true democracy if it smacked her across the head.

The Left's version of "Democracy" has been a cancer across the entire world.

And it's so easy to spout the nonsense she does to a young & dumb audience, ignorant of facts and history.

It was the Left who removed the daily Pledge of Allegiance from every American school - that flag that she says she so cherishes and pledges to uphold, while allowing in and consorting with 'all enemies, foreign and domestic'.

She is a corrupt Traitor.

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May 16·edited May 16

Long may our land be bright

With Freedom's Holy Light.

Protect us by thy Might

Great God our King.

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WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (The Face That May Launch 1,000 Ships!)

America’s favorite stock-trading granny & Helen of Troy checks up on her chip investments (on taxpayer's dime), let's hope she doesn't embarrass us (or worst) and more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes!


WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (She Likes Gasolina while China Huffs and Puffs!)

She likes gasolina, China huffs & puffs, gives redlines & more redlines, China's final warning, aPAULing behavior by Paul Pelosi & more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes as we impatiently wait for WWIII!


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RemovedMay 16
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Yikes! You want me personally dead? I’m sorry to hear that!!!!! I’ve avoided the death jab at my federal government job and they made my life hell for a couple of years and sadly, I’m just enduring in my low level job until I’m old enough to retire in 3 years with some kind of pension that still won’t be enough. Please don’t say things this extreme when you would be willing to kill some decent folks who have zero responsibility for what goes on in our country’s. However, I tell anyone who listens to never work for the federal government - EVER! It’s gone too woke!!’

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RemovedMay 26
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An extreme sounding response, but I do see the point your’e making about being a part of this entity. It’s causing me to think about getting out.

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RemovedJun 13
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I’m very sorry to hear of all these negative things that have happened to your dear family members. It sounds shocking and terrible. 😢

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