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As many of You know the "western" "vaccines" all come from companies owned, controlled or both by "israel".

Many of You will also know that Whites of European descent are the No1 target for "expiry"

Thus many of You will be coming to realise that the "vax kill" targets certain dna sub groups, ethnicities if You prefer more than others, "some" are completely un-harmed by the "vax kill".

My, just who do You think they might be...? answers on a postcard and theres a prize for the winner..

A couple more points to consider and these are where the evidence leads:

"revelations" in its converted for large audience format, be that KJV or JW or whoever all speak of "scorched earth" and a "remnant" and.... guess what? for every version that "remnant" means those who are loyal to that particular faith..

However the original version from which all the corrupted copies were made from speak only of a small clique who once lived somewhere east of the Med, who in the main are now in very diminshed numbers having the crap bombed out of them daily and their kids used as target practice..

Were it not for a group of bandit robbers circa 9 and 10 C who were forced to adopt a religion by their neighbours and thus chose a really bloody one that allowed usury and child sacrifice (yes it does, before You fucking start on the denials).

Just to be sure on that above point its completely acceptable for those practicing this "religion" to fuck Your adorable 6 yr old, no sin, just wave a chicken in the air man..

Mattresses and tunnels under Brooklyn, or did that pass You by...?

We are being driven to the edge by a group whose hatred for everyone but themselves and then only the utterly obedient...knows No Bounds...

The second point, and here You need to really understand this, it concerns You.

If, if You wondered why everything is being destroyed, air, water, plants, animals and yet these players in the shadows obviously seek World domination, why do they seem so hell bent (pardon the pun) on ruining what they seem to want to inherit? It makes very little sense..?

Then start listening to the likes of yuval harrari, who bathed in the light of attention just cannot keep his faggot cock sucking gob shut, "Arks" he says, large spaces underground... You remember the reports of deep explosions underground? Its` d.u.m.b s being destroyed by "white hats" they said, whoopee, the fucking cavalry has come, who were the dumbs? We all were....

Listen to certain elders of this "religion", those at a degree whence the term becomes "kabbalah", You know the degree where stupid Goyim cannot ever fathom what they mean becuase You, yes You my friend, You are not "gods` people", nah thats right We are merely specks of filthy dust stopping their dominion..

When however You do listen You will find they speak Openly about scorching the earth and retreating underground while whatever remains of "humanity" eats each other walking dead style.

Various operations such as the "vax" and the new super improved much more fast kill version About be rolled out under the guise of "bird flu" are just "clearing house".

They dont like the thought of too much mess going on up top amid the ashes and they probably deem it "compassionate", which is where the expression compassionate extinction program comes from.

All Your so called "leaders' and their immediate families have "golden tickets" to go live "under", why did You not realise that such loyalty can only be bought with a promise of redemption from what You have learnt is... inevitable?

Even they do not fully understand the concepts being proposed, life for them will not be quite what they thought...

When, when You come to understand that "Scorched Earth" is the Ambition NOT the final solution, then You will begjn to see where this is intended to go...

All of the side show theatre, the limited hangouts, the "gaslighting", ongoing Genocide, imaginary crises, its all averting Your gaze from the issue that really matters, Your planned demise.

The red thread worn around the wrist may symbolise "protection from evil", or more accurately that which would do them harm, but more than that it symbolises the "scape-goat" from early scripture, of One doing something that furthers the cause and taking the criticism/blame but all the while working toward the desired.. Final... Outcome, "taking one for the team"..

Flump, Blutin, Cartwheel, Von der Tranny, Murderonna..., Go look..

The "kabbalah has two paths, The upward path is Ascension into the leaves and branches of the tree of Life and a re-union with One, Creator...

The downward path is that toward forbidden knowledge, "satan`s" path where once the adepts have passed the tests the power to be "gods" is bestowed upon them, androgynous, half machine, immortal,

Getting the picture yet?

Lastly, please ponder for a moment as to why the city underground in the fucking matrix is called.... "zion"

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