The senior Japanese medical oncologist has stated very recently that just days after being COVID-jabbed, a young 20 something years-old man died, was autopsied, and his heart was literally disintegrating when they took it out. This was not the only case like this he stated in his video report.
The senior Japanese medical oncologist has stated very recently that just days after being COVID-jabbed, a young 20 something years-old man died, was autopsied, and his heart was literally disintegrating when they took it out. This was not the only case like this he stated in his video report.
When I was in ICU with 'COVID' (nanotech/microwave attack) for 2 months, after I came out of a 4 week induced coma off an ECMO machine with the tubing removed that had been surgically inserted into my jugular vein to pump artificially oxygenated blood in and out of me after my lungs had completely failed on the standard mechanical ventilator on which I had first been intubated, all they could give me at first for days was just water through a tube in my nose, and masses of like mincermeat just kept on pouring out of the other end of me even though I was only getting water and had not eaten for around 2 weeks even before being admitted to hospital diagnosed as gravely ill with 50% blood oxygen, COVID 19 and COVID pneumonia..
I lost 20 kilos mainly in muscle tissue loss, and some of my body tissue was just torn and shredded inside by the severity of the cellular degradation caused by sepsis/cytokine storm inside of me, as despite only being given water, very frequent great torrents of like mincemeat kept on pouring out of me, this was not food as I had not eaten any for 6 weeks or more including for 2 weeks at home before being admited to hospital before being immediately put into an induced coma on a mechanical ventilator, that was my body tissue coming out after literally getting dissolved as if by acid inside, what came out even felt like acid, it felt absolutely agonizing as though scalding hot coffee mixed with chilli sauce was being scrubbed into open flesh with a metal brillo pan scrubber pad and despite having been a county level race-winning competive athlete in my younger years and weight-lifting instructor in olympic weight-lifting, power lifting, sports weight training and body-building in later years, they later told me I had a hole in my heart, which they falsely assured me I must have had had all of my life, which is total rubbish made up by them.
It turns out just a few weeks back they found out that 'COVID' itself, which they actually give you through the jab, actually destroys heart tissue in a big way, not just damages it as was thought before, hence the hole, hence all the TV presenters and athletes dropping dead with holes in their arteries, and just one year before having 'COVID', I had had a thorough heart check and had no plaque and no hole in my heart then and was specifically told these things.
What they inject you with in the weaponized COVID jab is then fully activated and directed by 5G EMF signals, or material inside you from sheddiing from those who have been COVID-jabbed replicates inside you and goes to work just the same way, controlled by the same EMF influence. Please refer to the brilliant analytical work of Dr Ana Mihalcea on what is actually in the jabs and what develops from them in the blood.
Pfizer was even forced by court order to disclose the nearly 1.300 'side-effects' - purposely-designed and intentional effects of their jabs - and COVID PNEUMONIA was one of the 'side-effects' listed in their test results.
So yes, COVID will cause something inside your body to happen that will literally disintegrate body tissue and it will literally come pouring out of you in ICU. Incredible, but true, you can only know this to be factually possible if you have actually gone through it, and it was not antibiotics causing this, as I was never given any antibiotics while in induced coma (or any food), or for an entire week after coming out of induced coma, though they eventually admitted I had secondary pneumonia from which I was actually dying, they 'kindly' offered me remdesivir after first persistently all collaborating in refusing me any antibiotics, and knowing remdesivir has a 53% death rate I immediately refused that,, and it would have been entirely useless and inappropriate for secondary pneumonia anyway, and they gave me septrin instead in drip feeds into my arm from polytherne bags for over a week, but they were not going to give me anything at all until I pestered and pestered them for a whole week, all the specialist consultants in COVID ICU wards in the UK were on £3,000 a day at that time, and these total frauds were collaborating in telling me I did not have pneumonia and refused to give me any antibiotics at first. I mention this to discount any possibility that antibiotics might have been responsible for this.
Even after leaving hospital, I carried on coughing up blood and green phlegm until I contracted a second dose of COVID some weeks after leaving hospital which I treated myself successfully at home with ivermectin, zinc, vit D3/K2 and Vit C, Quercetin and NAC and this worked better than the septrin, as only then did I stop coughing up the phlegm from what was now my second infection, but also the blood that I had been inappropriately and mercilessly discharged from ICU still coughing up.
You poor thing. How long did your comment take to type up? Let me tell you of two children a boy and a girl of 7. The boy was the poster child in Israel for the COVID vax. He died from cardiac arrest in the bath. The other a girl was made to get the vax by her parents. Shortly after she had seizures and died. Grieving parents got doctors to give the daughter's heart to someone on a waiting. The medical staff said they could not as it was full of clots. Doctor Ana Mihalcea on a RUMBLE video spoke to a embalmer about clots. Do try to find it and the video comes with pictures. I am subscribed to her substrack too.
Over a year ago a fellow had a video out called The day I got my COVID vaccine. He drove to a building where the vax was being given out. When it was his turn he asked the nurse picking up the vial Is that mine. She said Yes. The guy picks the vial up and high tails it out of there. On the video he said ,The nurse said it was mine with a laugh. On his way out he shouted Do not take the vaccine as it is poisonous. One of the doctors shouted Call the police. The guy made it out to his car. He wanted the vial to see what goodies were in it.
Spanish speaking doctors said people who took the vax have bluetooth addresses in them. It even operates in graveyards they found out. Sorry I can't give a link to the video, It is called BLUETRUTH.
A few short months ago I found out that the jab can change people's personalities, watching videos on it. Around the same time a pyschologist I saw for 4 sessions suddenly went nuts. She told me on our second session how proud she was to get all 5 vaccines to protect her clients. On the 4th one I had to tell her to leave as she was raving that I belonged in a nursing home. The only thing I could not do was wash my clothes. I have a couple of support workers to do them. I hope you get better really soon. I'm a PURE BLOOD and have not gotten any vaxxs for over 40 years
Hi, thankyou for your reply. Just got a new keyboard, I had one of those awful gaming keyboards by mistake off eBay for a very short while before I changed it, it had really clumsy keys sticking like a centimetre up off the keyboard and I was making all kinds of atrocious spelling errors, but now I have one of those ones that lights up at night, a real blessing, nice and smooth and easy on the fingers and the eyes and I make a lot less typing errors now.
I would not believe a single story coming out of Israel about the 'poor victim Jews being mercilessly experimented on and murdered by Nazi Pfizer', that never happened. An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower has come forward and stated that this ethnobomb bioweapon was developed to be used ONLY on non-Jews (of course) and that it was actually tested (of course) on Palestinian prisoners and African Negro people.
There are videos of the Israelis faking their vaccination program which I show on my site.
I am familitar with the other issues and do read Dr Ana Mihalcea's site a lot, she really does some excellent blood analyses, and thoroughly documents all kinds of foreign bodies in the blood of vaxxed and non-vaxxed now infected through shedding, so you need to look after yourself more accordingly. She says everyone who is unvaxxed shows the same things in their blood now as is present in the blood of the vaxxed, after all, that is the nature of the bioweapon, to employ nanotechnology (as Fauci himself states on video is in the COVID jabs) that is self-spreading to non-jabbed be and self-replicating once inside the body, it enters even through the eyeballs, and of course, masks are no good at all (like trying to stop a mosquito with a five bar gate) and even worsen lung health and damage the body and the unborn in other ways.
Like you, I avoid getting vaccinations, but by law in Australia for example, and likely in many other places we are not even told about, they are authorized to vaccinate you 'against' (really with) COVID without even telling you that you are being 'vaccinated', so be wary of any jabs, even what you might be assured is just 'sodium chloride (salt) sliturion 'to flush the canula' or help you with POTS, and on more than one occasion, I have had those while in ICU with 'COVID' with those stated to be the reasons and woken up elsewhere afterwards, they can literally knock you out without telling you beforehand, but to avoid any discussion or possibility of protest over what they are about to do afterwards, they just do it.
How Can It Be? - By Harry Vox (see rabbis saying all Gentiles in the entire world will be made to cease to exist and that even their memories will be blotted out at 26:48 and 27:20 especially)
Thank you for your reply. Did I mention I am Australian? I live in Brisbane and hope the Who treaty won't be signed. There is an ad for an electrical company called Alinta. It looks like they are advertising in a subtle manner 15 minute cities. Only thing is the city moves.
The other day I saw an article on Trump War that the Yale University is working on a airborne vaccine for the public without consent.
Another good doctor I follow is MADEJ. Forget her first name.
Have you heard of the site It is very good It has Australian news and overseas news on it. On it's front page it has a picture of Albanez talking on a mike with a woman behind him holding a frying pan. We must have a laugh sometimes.
I love it when I see in my inbox that people liked my comment. It gives me a warm feeling inside. I'm moving to a brand new unit from Housing soon. It is so much bigger and more modern than the one I have now. I'm on the NDIS scheme and they will pay amongst other things my moving costs. My dream is to live on acreage with a couple of cows for milk. growing fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Be off grid too with lots of wild animals, maybe a stream to catch fish from. Take care
Thankyou for your reply and for the very interesting link, I hope your move will give you the improved standard of living you are hoping for, the dream of a few acres sounds nice, I hope that one day that can come true for you.
I had not realized you were in Australia.
The Australian government sounds barmy like most WEF crazies these days from most reports I see online, so I have not got much faith in any current Western government not signing the WHO treaty, I think these purposely emplaced fake governments of total nihilists (as prophesied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil") will all try to suicide most of us as fast as possible.
But even with a small garden, if you have one in the new place you are moving to, or if it has the option of an allotment available, you can do some organic crop growing, and maybe even have a few pet chickens to give you healthy eggs each morning, they would need regular demiting (some farmers simply dip their chickens' feet in petrol to kill off scale mites they can get in their toes that otherwise cause the chickens to lose some of their toes - I would not use diatomaceous earth powder in their feathers or on animals' fur or bedding as that can and will cause serious breathing difficulties in any creature, despite the good hype it is mistakenly given) and deworming though, but they are nice to have as pets, I used to have some bantam hens for the eggs and a male old English game bird, a bigger bird, to give them male company, the bantam eggs are small, but are very delicate in flavour.
The senior Japanese medical oncologist has stated very recently that just days after being COVID-jabbed, a young 20 something years-old man died, was autopsied, and his heart was literally disintegrating when they took it out. This was not the only case like this he stated in his video report.
When I was in ICU with 'COVID' (nanotech/microwave attack) for 2 months, after I came out of a 4 week induced coma off an ECMO machine with the tubing removed that had been surgically inserted into my jugular vein to pump artificially oxygenated blood in and out of me after my lungs had completely failed on the standard mechanical ventilator on which I had first been intubated, all they could give me at first for days was just water through a tube in my nose, and masses of like mincermeat just kept on pouring out of the other end of me even though I was only getting water and had not eaten for around 2 weeks even before being admitted to hospital diagnosed as gravely ill with 50% blood oxygen, COVID 19 and COVID pneumonia..
I lost 20 kilos mainly in muscle tissue loss, and some of my body tissue was just torn and shredded inside by the severity of the cellular degradation caused by sepsis/cytokine storm inside of me, as despite only being given water, very frequent great torrents of like mincemeat kept on pouring out of me, this was not food as I had not eaten any for 6 weeks or more including for 2 weeks at home before being admited to hospital before being immediately put into an induced coma on a mechanical ventilator, that was my body tissue coming out after literally getting dissolved as if by acid inside, what came out even felt like acid, it felt absolutely agonizing as though scalding hot coffee mixed with chilli sauce was being scrubbed into open flesh with a metal brillo pan scrubber pad and despite having been a county level race-winning competive athlete in my younger years and weight-lifting instructor in olympic weight-lifting, power lifting, sports weight training and body-building in later years, they later told me I had a hole in my heart, which they falsely assured me I must have had had all of my life, which is total rubbish made up by them.
It turns out just a few weeks back they found out that 'COVID' itself, which they actually give you through the jab, actually destroys heart tissue in a big way, not just damages it as was thought before, hence the hole, hence all the TV presenters and athletes dropping dead with holes in their arteries, and just one year before having 'COVID', I had had a thorough heart check and had no plaque and no hole in my heart then and was specifically told these things.
What they inject you with in the weaponized COVID jab is then fully activated and directed by 5G EMF signals, or material inside you from sheddiing from those who have been COVID-jabbed replicates inside you and goes to work just the same way, controlled by the same EMF influence. Please refer to the brilliant analytical work of Dr Ana Mihalcea on what is actually in the jabs and what develops from them in the blood.
Pfizer was even forced by court order to disclose the nearly 1.300 'side-effects' - purposely-designed and intentional effects of their jabs - and COVID PNEUMONIA was one of the 'side-effects' listed in their test results.
So yes, COVID will cause something inside your body to happen that will literally disintegrate body tissue and it will literally come pouring out of you in ICU. Incredible, but true, you can only know this to be factually possible if you have actually gone through it, and it was not antibiotics causing this, as I was never given any antibiotics while in induced coma (or any food), or for an entire week after coming out of induced coma, though they eventually admitted I had secondary pneumonia from which I was actually dying, they 'kindly' offered me remdesivir after first persistently all collaborating in refusing me any antibiotics, and knowing remdesivir has a 53% death rate I immediately refused that,, and it would have been entirely useless and inappropriate for secondary pneumonia anyway, and they gave me septrin instead in drip feeds into my arm from polytherne bags for over a week, but they were not going to give me anything at all until I pestered and pestered them for a whole week, all the specialist consultants in COVID ICU wards in the UK were on £3,000 a day at that time, and these total frauds were collaborating in telling me I did not have pneumonia and refused to give me any antibiotics at first. I mention this to discount any possibility that antibiotics might have been responsible for this.
Even after leaving hospital, I carried on coughing up blood and green phlegm until I contracted a second dose of COVID some weeks after leaving hospital which I treated myself successfully at home with ivermectin, zinc, vit D3/K2 and Vit C, Quercetin and NAC and this worked better than the septrin, as only then did I stop coughing up the phlegm from what was now my second infection, but also the blood that I had been inappropriately and mercilessly discharged from ICU still coughing up.
You poor thing. How long did your comment take to type up? Let me tell you of two children a boy and a girl of 7. The boy was the poster child in Israel for the COVID vax. He died from cardiac arrest in the bath. The other a girl was made to get the vax by her parents. Shortly after she had seizures and died. Grieving parents got doctors to give the daughter's heart to someone on a waiting. The medical staff said they could not as it was full of clots. Doctor Ana Mihalcea on a RUMBLE video spoke to a embalmer about clots. Do try to find it and the video comes with pictures. I am subscribed to her substrack too.
Over a year ago a fellow had a video out called The day I got my COVID vaccine. He drove to a building where the vax was being given out. When it was his turn he asked the nurse picking up the vial Is that mine. She said Yes. The guy picks the vial up and high tails it out of there. On the video he said ,The nurse said it was mine with a laugh. On his way out he shouted Do not take the vaccine as it is poisonous. One of the doctors shouted Call the police. The guy made it out to his car. He wanted the vial to see what goodies were in it.
Spanish speaking doctors said people who took the vax have bluetooth addresses in them. It even operates in graveyards they found out. Sorry I can't give a link to the video, It is called BLUETRUTH.
A few short months ago I found out that the jab can change people's personalities, watching videos on it. Around the same time a pyschologist I saw for 4 sessions suddenly went nuts. She told me on our second session how proud she was to get all 5 vaccines to protect her clients. On the 4th one I had to tell her to leave as she was raving that I belonged in a nursing home. The only thing I could not do was wash my clothes. I have a couple of support workers to do them. I hope you get better really soon. I'm a PURE BLOOD and have not gotten any vaxxs for over 40 years
Hi, thankyou for your reply. Just got a new keyboard, I had one of those awful gaming keyboards by mistake off eBay for a very short while before I changed it, it had really clumsy keys sticking like a centimetre up off the keyboard and I was making all kinds of atrocious spelling errors, but now I have one of those ones that lights up at night, a real blessing, nice and smooth and easy on the fingers and the eyes and I make a lot less typing errors now.
I would not believe a single story coming out of Israel about the 'poor victim Jews being mercilessly experimented on and murdered by Nazi Pfizer', that never happened. An Israeli military intelligence whistleblower has come forward and stated that this ethnobomb bioweapon was developed to be used ONLY on non-Jews (of course) and that it was actually tested (of course) on Palestinian prisoners and African Negro people.
There are videos of the Israelis faking their vaccination program which I show on my site.
I am familitar with the other issues and do read Dr Ana Mihalcea's site a lot, she really does some excellent blood analyses, and thoroughly documents all kinds of foreign bodies in the blood of vaxxed and non-vaxxed now infected through shedding, so you need to look after yourself more accordingly. She says everyone who is unvaxxed shows the same things in their blood now as is present in the blood of the vaxxed, after all, that is the nature of the bioweapon, to employ nanotechnology (as Fauci himself states on video is in the COVID jabs) that is self-spreading to non-jabbed be and self-replicating once inside the body, it enters even through the eyeballs, and of course, masks are no good at all (like trying to stop a mosquito with a five bar gate) and even worsen lung health and damage the body and the unborn in other ways.
Like you, I avoid getting vaccinations, but by law in Australia for example, and likely in many other places we are not even told about, they are authorized to vaccinate you 'against' (really with) COVID without even telling you that you are being 'vaccinated', so be wary of any jabs, even what you might be assured is just 'sodium chloride (salt) sliturion 'to flush the canula' or help you with POTS, and on more than one occasion, I have had those while in ICU with 'COVID' with those stated to be the reasons and woken up elsewhere afterwards, they can literally knock you out without telling you beforehand, but to avoid any discussion or possibility of protest over what they are about to do afterwards, they just do it.
How Can It Be? - By Harry Vox (see rabbis saying all Gentiles in the entire world will be made to cease to exist and that even their memories will be blotted out at 26:48 and 27:20 especially)
These rabbis look very happy about the Corona don't they? Not exactly weeping are they?
Holocaust Deprogramming Course
Wishing you all the best too.
Thank you for your reply. Did I mention I am Australian? I live in Brisbane and hope the Who treaty won't be signed. There is an ad for an electrical company called Alinta. It looks like they are advertising in a subtle manner 15 minute cities. Only thing is the city moves.
The other day I saw an article on Trump War that the Yale University is working on a airborne vaccine for the public without consent.
Another good doctor I follow is MADEJ. Forget her first name.
Have you heard of the site It is very good It has Australian news and overseas news on it. On it's front page it has a picture of Albanez talking on a mike with a woman behind him holding a frying pan. We must have a laugh sometimes.
I love it when I see in my inbox that people liked my comment. It gives me a warm feeling inside. I'm moving to a brand new unit from Housing soon. It is so much bigger and more modern than the one I have now. I'm on the NDIS scheme and they will pay amongst other things my moving costs. My dream is to live on acreage with a couple of cows for milk. growing fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Be off grid too with lots of wild animals, maybe a stream to catch fish from. Take care
Thankyou for your reply and for the very interesting link, I hope your move will give you the improved standard of living you are hoping for, the dream of a few acres sounds nice, I hope that one day that can come true for you.
I had not realized you were in Australia.
The Australian government sounds barmy like most WEF crazies these days from most reports I see online, so I have not got much faith in any current Western government not signing the WHO treaty, I think these purposely emplaced fake governments of total nihilists (as prophesied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil") will all try to suicide most of us as fast as possible.
But even with a small garden, if you have one in the new place you are moving to, or if it has the option of an allotment available, you can do some organic crop growing, and maybe even have a few pet chickens to give you healthy eggs each morning, they would need regular demiting (some farmers simply dip their chickens' feet in petrol to kill off scale mites they can get in their toes that otherwise cause the chickens to lose some of their toes - I would not use diatomaceous earth powder in their feathers or on animals' fur or bedding as that can and will cause serious breathing difficulties in any creature, despite the good hype it is mistakenly given) and deworming though, but they are nice to have as pets, I used to have some bantam hens for the eggs and a male old English game bird, a bigger bird, to give them male company, the bantam eggs are small, but are very delicate in flavour.
All the best to you.