It's queerball teachers pushing this crap. I live directly across from our local college and the campus is littered with " Art" from the students, primarily twisted metal representing who knows what.

One entrance has 2'inch by about 3 feet long pieces of wood glued together and offset to form a human face in the middle of the front of a box shape about 3 x3 ft in size and painted day glo industrial orange.

You would have to see it, it is incredibly ugly.

The board probably wouldn't allow anything that once would have archaically been considered obscene, but I am sure they cut loose once they graduate, and it's still the same ugly stifling crap.

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Our country and our world has been captured by pure evil entities. The US is so far apart from the original words on which it was founded, it is heartbreaking. The World is being run by a sadistic demonic organization, whose goal is to destruct individuals. The "artwork" is a consequence of the evil which has enveloped every part of the world. It is so strong, you can actually FEEL that there is something wrong, something bad, something just not right in the atmosphere. We are truly in a spiritual battle for our lives, which is played out every day. At this point, even quiet praying in a public place will have you arrested for the "crime" of thinking. OurLord JesusChrist is the only way to reverse and correct this demonic spread.

As a side note: JudgeRoyMoore wanted to pass a Bill which would require the TenCommandments to be displayed in all FederalBuildings. Needless to say, JudgeMoore was tarred and feathered by the Dem machine. They desperately wanted him away from DC so badly that people in his voting district were reporting that they were offered cash to tweet rotten disgusting lies about him. It would be a start to look at and obey words given to us by God in the TenCommandments.

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If you don't like their art, you can enjoy their word salad. That stuff is hilarious. Proof that feminism isn't completely useless.

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Delighted to read it!

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Them's strong words Ben, and I agree with every one of them. In fact I feel just a tiny smidge more like what being 'human' used to feel like before someone pulled the switch and we all ended in upside-down-house-of-mirrors world where the lunatic clowns rule the roost. Thank you for that.

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Yes. This trend, if you want to call it that began with guys like Marcel Duchamp - who was a true artist in his own right, pointing fun at what could be considered art. The point is...one should not define art, but we can be objective to a degree about what is beautiful, and what is meaningful. The problem with post-modernist exhibitionism is that is grotesque...something intended to shock and disgust, and if we surround ourselves with ugliness and exhibitionism, we become a product of our environment.

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I'm not sure "modern art" is the best term. It has been used since the early 20th century, if not longer, and refers to so many visual works, many of which wouldn't be offensive, even if they are boring and geometrical or pretentious in other ways.

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point taken

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As I've matured, I now believe the ability to induce a repulsive visceral reaction from others is in and of itself not "art." I think it was 1990 when an exhibit was announced to be traveling to our city. Included in the exhibit would be a "Crucifix in Urine." But we were under the impression the artist was Robert Maplethorpe (so he was the one attacked here), not Andreas Serrano. Being a very young adult rebelling against my conservative family views, I thought our own NC Senator Jesse Helms was over reaching in his campaign against this type of art. But now my common sense reminds me throughout history spitting or pissing on something was always viewed as the worst kind of defience. Everything God made is perfect such as the human body, and to distort it for the sake of a reaction is to me not art.

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Pope Francis in his untiring devotion to destroy the Church has publicly commended the piss Christ "artist." If you also like to see the ugliness this Pope bestows, look up the moon people Christmas manger exhibition I believe in 2020 at the Vatican.


Art is dead. I attend a Church called the Transfiguration. I would give my right arm and leg to be able to paint the Transfiguration of Christ on the current blank ceiling for free, ala Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel. It will never happen. But I'm sure the pastors would allow the piss Christ artist in for a full defilement - and pay him too!

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The WEF people have no sense of beauty or harmony, psychopaths are not able to enjoy beauty, they want us to become like them: in love with death and ugliness.

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I think you very well know this has been well orchestrated, for decades, and your words are throttled to ease the awakening of the unaware.

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