Thank you for posting evidence that our world’s values have been inverted by the perverted and their malign, power-grabbing sponsors.

I await the inevitable backlash and will try my hardest not to enjoy the spectacle.

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It will be a Day of Darkness and not much fun at all for decent folk.

That's what the Bible warns, anyway...

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I am so thankful that I live in a very Republican southern state. Our Governor has already passed legislation for no LGBTQ and DEI allowed here. Especially in our schools and work places.

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Once you depop, you just can't stop...

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It should be noted that the reason why the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) editions stopped being designated by Roman numerals is because switching to Arabic numerals made it easier to designate sub-integer changes in editions, making such more liquid and transient.

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It should also be noted that studies clearly show it was always a crock of shit, anyway.

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Kindly cite said studies.

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Kindly blow it out your ass, Demon.

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Back under your bridge, ignorant troll.

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Exactly what you did last time, you deluded twit.

Accuse me of what you are doing.

Reality to Screwball: You posted to me.

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I will proceed to ignore your trolling, henceforth.

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Well, at least they are finally admitting it.

For decades, Faggots told this story about how a " child attracted" Fag would be ostracized by his fellow pervs as a " Chicken Hawk" and idiot Leftys believed it .

It was always BS.

A young boy is a Faggot's wet dream. Just ask any guy who was a hitchiker in the 60's/70's, they were so obnoxious...

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... our first thought when Barack Obama declared America a gay nation and flip-flopped, normalizing gay marriage, "... well, so much for the institution of marriage!" The gay mafia's counterargument, "... how does this take anything away, from you?" It's not gay marriage we were opposed to, inasmuch as it was, it's subsequent parade of horribles, cascading like falling dominoes, decimating our institutions, tearing at the fabric of society, corrupting and sullying everything homosexuality touches. Next up on the gay mafia's itinerary, advancing gender ambiguity as a red herring, in the normalization of child sex, decriminalization of child abuse, normalization of pedophilia - Samuel.

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Maybe the Muslims have the right idea for how to deal with LGBTQP.

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