If we burned plastic trash as the petroleum it came from, all that would be left is carbon dioxide (which plants are desperate for) and water vapor (which forms clouds). If the temperature at which they are burned is high enough, all the carcinogens disappear into clean energy.

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Great article. And, I did not honestly know how toxic my kitchen sponges were!

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They aren't toxic if they are real sponges.

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And one of the most significant contributors to microplastics: car brake and tire wear. Neither of which are likely to be reduced in the near-term future…

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Hang on a second... Are you trying to tell me that the Rockerfeller mob want us all injured or dead....?

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It's everywhere and you can't escape it. Even cows out in the country have tested for microplastics. I still strive for a plastic free life.

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We'll never STOP using them...


Unless some FORCE that we can't CONTROL destroys our entire Civilization and our ability to REPEAT it...

If after the absolute DESTRUCTION we can REBUILD, we'll do it ALL OVER AGAIN... And PLASTICS will be use just like before the destruction.

Until then... Beware of them!


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Yeaahh, shoutout to Thailand's plastic obsession from Armageddon Prose! Here are a few handy- dandy phrases for any inbound travelers:

"Mai dong sai tung" = "no need for a (plastic) bag"

"Chai tung su-an du-a" = "I will use my own (reusable) bag"

"Mai ow lort" = "I do not want a plastic straw"

"Mai ow chon som" = "I do not want a plastic fork and spoon"

"Tam-ai Khun sai na-gaad?" = "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Boom, you can now speak Thai and reject all the plastic from the 711 stores around Thailand, whilst enquiring why (many) people are still muzzling up!

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