You could say the same for every soldier, sailor or pilot that ever put on a uniform by choice and you would be right. My eldest son considered joining up in 2010 or thereabouts to murder other people's children for international bankers and both me and my wife said that if he did he would no longer be our son and we would totally disown him. Thankfully he decided that allegiance to his own family was more important to him than swearing allegiance to a degenerate "queen" and her equally degenerate spawn.

There is no more disgusting phrase in the English language than "Thank you for your service" when that "service" consisted only of murdering innocent men women and children for filthy degenerrate international bankers and their underlings such as that evil "queen" and her equally evil son king Tampon the 1st. We see this clearly today as US and British and French etc etc etc armed forces are supporting the ongoing genocide in Palestrine whilst heir own countries are being overrun by foreigners on the orders of those same zionists committing gewnocide who would never permit foreigners in their stolen land and have the 6m high concrete walls all round to prove it..

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As you say, self-delusion plus a pathetically low amount of ambition. If 1/3 to 1/2 of our fellow citizens can also delude themselves into accepting their garbage, then it’s probably pretty easy to rationalize peddling it.

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I have often wondered about the bathroom mirror scenario as well. Your proposed ideas of how they came to be what they are, are of course possibilities that are rational and plausible, but maybe we just have to except that they arrived here with evil being their latent state. I have been forced these last years to give evil its due. Previously it was categorized as something like the holocaust or other known genocides, but this pervasive evil has been clandestine and is only recently being revealed as epic and gargantuan. Its layers seem to have no end that you can grab on to and feel you have reached its rotten core. Truly the stuff of nightmares and yet many are blithely carrying on with only the merest hint of dissonance that anything is actually wrong. For some of us the dread is palpable. Most fall in the middle somewhere and try to push it to the background. I feel an acceleration that will bring us all up short in a reckoning that will shock and surprise us, not in a good way. I do wish I did not think/feel this.

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"If my son came to me one day and told me he was taking a job as a shill for the State Department — one of the most pernicious and banally evil institutions in world history — I would be forced to examine where I went wrong", great fucking line brother. Have said that if my 2 year old daughter grows up wanting to work in government, or attend college, then I have seriously screwed up as a parent, don't know how these assclowns parents don't feel the same watching their baby schill for these sociopaths.

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Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked...but his delight is in the law of the LORD. (Ps 1:1-2). Some are literally bred to evil. Others submit to it. Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.

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"Are their feeling minds/souls so numbed by postmodernism and psychotropic drugs that they aren’t capable of feeling normal human emotions like shame or regret any longer? Or are they truly capable of monstrously extreme feats of self-delusion? Or have they simply succumbed to their roles as villains and embraced them? "

Yes. Yes. Yes. It's all about the power. Clinking champagne glasses, riding in limos and having a name plate. That's it.

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I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but in most cases you don't have to spend much time around these people before you discover - and if you give them a chance, they'll tell you outright - that they hate the whole world, which is code for "I hate myself". They hate themselves. They feel worthless and useless and without purpose. Government fulfills not only their need for income, but also their need for power they'd never have the desire or passion to earn. And after a few years, they're pathetic shells without anything real under the surface. They become the lie.

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Yes, but does your business card have raised font...?

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great scene

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Good article, Ben. Will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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