Hi Ben. Back in the day, I was an advertising man. Loved it. Check out this marvel from CDP, when cigarette and booze ads were half of the joy of going to the cinema in Blighty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGETLgNytCw

Japan has the best advertising. American advertising is evil. American food advertising is so bad, you wonder if they are trying to save lives. But the client always signs off. And behind the client in the Fortune 500 is Blackrock/Vanguard/State Street, holding some 25% and run by Fink the Fink who gives boards and CEOs their DEI Hard orders.

The retards who came out of American university since 1990 and now run corporate HR, Marketing, Finance, Law and boards are responsible for crimes like Bud Light. Advertising and "messaging" (I don't consume, watch, hear or read any advertising. Full stop. But I'm aware...) in the USA is social conditioning/social engineering, under orders from the folks who scream in pain as they knife you.

Also note that Corporate America is not run by mainstream White Anglo Saxon Protestant American men but by those same DEI Hard folks with their hand-picked diversity hires.

As you know, The Clintons signed the law allowing Big Pharma to advertise their poisons direct to consumers ("Ask Your Doctor If Early Onset Baldness, Blindness and Paralysis Is Right For You") in order for the DNC to get a slice of the media revenue stream, in return for Pfizer et al paying the media piper.

You Tube - try ad blockers on Brave or Dissenter. I don't watch you tube nor do I put anything up on it, because I despise them monetizing people. I made an exception a couple of years back, following some guy's interesting adventures, and suddenly an ad appeared for the fat black woman politician who always runs (and loses) for office in Georgia. I shut it down in horror and that was that. Happy weekend!

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lol I am familiar with Stacey Abrams from my home state, whom I believe you are referencing. A truly horrific creature to behold

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That's her! The Monster From The Swamp Lagoon! (shudder)

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While I agree on marketing being evil, for the most part, I would not put it at the top of the list. PR, NGO minions of any kind, most of the so called scientists and „experts“ and pundits on just about anything are levels above. So are most politicians. And, the unrivaled scum of the earth of course, lawyers.

In a functioning market economy, the marketer fulfills a legit task, which is to reduce search costs. This is the information and trust building that many brands need. Granted, it is a long way from this ideal to today‘s woksters putting a rainbow on everything

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if marketers truly reduced search costs and connected customers with products they truly need/want, that would be a fully respectable function. unfortunately, that's an idealized notion of what marketers actually do, which is prey on psychological vulnerabilities to create markets, not facilitate them.

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The hierarchy of professional evils exploded in growth by an order of magnitude by mid-2020 for me.

I could and even thought about quibbling because of the unbelievable evil we learned existed in medicine, local/state/federal public health, all politicians, lawyers, academia---

--but you're right in that all of these products/services must be sold.

Thinking about what Just a Bloke (great handle BTW) said about Pharma--I had no idea it was the Clintons who made this legal. It seems we could put the final nail in the coffin of most cable news, crappy TV, and lousy print media by revoking that one law.

I have not read enough, just barely opened a few books by Rene Girard and his explanation of mimetic desire, mimetic rivalry, scapegoating--all of this is increased exponentially with marketing.

Wanting by Luke Burgis is a pretty easy read/listen for a primer on mimetic desire--but I think you'd like it. It is the underlying power of all the marketing efforts--and why we are so susceptible to it.


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exactly. there's a strong marketing element to all of those other degenerate professions you mentioned

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“No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up” - Lily Tomlin

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