Hello Ben All your words in this terrifyingly ignorant and racist article point out your own inhumanity and lack of understanding of the lives of humans who don’t believe what the slavemaster tells them to believe may the great spirit show you the light before your completely engulfed in your own fake superiority and the darkness of inhuman thinking clear as day as you mock and ridicule humans beings who are truly human something you can never understand until your walk a mile in our moccasins.

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Hello L.shaman. Thank you for your feedback. I am open to making any fact-based corrections based on potential errors I made in my analysis. If you point to anything specific that you believe I got wrong, I would be happy to consider your point of view.

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Hi. You seem to be painting a lot of really inaccurate broad-strokes of your own here.

First, "indigiqueer" was not invented "two weeks" prior to your post, and your anger at new words is sort of chef's kiss amazing for a writer. Words develop all the time. It's kind of an important part of words.

You are correct that there is no monolithic Native culture! That's actually really important and something a lot of people don't get. But there is a Pan-Indian experience (oh no, another new term!) shared by nations who, yes, to this day remain displaced and often subjugated due to Federal-Indian law (in the US, and also with First Nations in Canada). In fact, *because* non-Indigneous people *treat* Indignenous people like they have a monolithic culture, that also becomes a shared Native experience.

I think most of us are fine with a critique of Vice, but what I'm getting from this article and looking at your others is that you don't like queer people and don't like Native people and don't like people who speak up about their frustration.

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