Indeed, I was expelled from college for attempting to validate one of Dr. Rancourt's hypotheses, over the course of 2021-2022: "Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes":


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It seems to me that part of the plan was to cleanse all of the educational and professional institutions of honest, intelligent members and leave the retarded cyborgs who will go along with whatever to run the technocracy

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Or maybe that was just a tangential unintended benefit they realized later

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Good point.

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The People

Still Wearing Masks

Have Progressed

To Robots.



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Terrible, considering it was the flu not covid. I refuse to use doctors and hospitals at all now.

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I'll take it one step further - it was the common cold. The only good thing coming out of the covid me-too freakout is that the medical industrial complex has been tossed to the trash heap by millions of people. Society will be much healthier for it.

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