I agree with you entirely.

As with most events these days, there’s a hidden agenda beneath appearances.

Alex Jones was treated brutally – as per others who highlight corruption e.g. Julian Assange.

Being a Brit, I’m not a regular viewer of his but, I get the impression he really cares about those issues we should all care about but which our predatory elite politicize, monetize and weaponize.

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This is a bummer. I discovered Alex in 2000 and he was instrumental in educating me about the larger globalist agenda back when hardly anyone was talking about this (except Bill Cooper and David Icke). I loved watching Alex on Joe Rogan because he's totally hilarious. Of course you don't need to believe everything he puts out there but he's been right about a lot of things, as you said.

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What I don't understand is why it wasn't appealed. That, and what the penalty is specifically for?

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it's (allegedly) for harassments of the families of the kids by proxy, as a handful of his viewers (allegedly) harassed some of them

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I see. But why not appeal something that tenuous?

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the short answer is that he likely has and the U.S. court system is nearly completely rigged at this point

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Whatever happened to free speech? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

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... policy community, taking down InfoWars, that is their amusement and entertainment. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast 'n Furious, Nevada Ranch Standoff, election rigging, George Floyd, the Mar-a-Lago raid, selective prosecution, that is their fun. Even my humble self? Small potatoes guy, like me? Two fusion center initiated traffic stops? Drones tasked, to my two-seater? I saw the writing on the wall, circa 2007, undercover FBI people crawling all over our lazy, backwater web site, endeavoring headlong, to infiltrate our local underground driver's group, here in Southern California. Page 1, straight out the the CIA playbook, when they can't write you off as a headcase, they set you up and take you down, with the child-porn. Nail in his coffin, that is exactly what the policy community has in mind, for this Alex Jones fellow - Samuel.

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... this Alex Jones fellow, the policy community's going to take him down! They're taking him down, to Chinatown! - Samuel.

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This assessment is spot on. They will silence any voice that doesn’t fit the official narrative. The police state advances in a myriad of forms. Alex will rise again. Too many now know that for all his drama and histrionics, by and large he is telling the truths the DS desperately don’t want told.

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Here is some real-hard-earned-experience and my resulting-personal- law when dealing with parents. (May years ago I ran a childcare center. Hence my hands on experience.) 1. Parents CAN BE the worst people to deal with because anything that happens to their children is now close and personal. 2. If there is a horrible massacre one never voices an opinion regarding that horror, especially when children are involved. That is a sitting volcano waiting to erupt even more. The pain and loss those parents experienced will never go away. Unfortunately, Info Wars host made a terrible, terrible, mistake and it will cost him dearly. With sensitive and volcanic topics it is wiser to leave the bear than to bait the bear. Right or wrong does not work in these scenarios. Raw human emotion will always win especial when children are involved....

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This is the point, that it sets the precedent. Is everyone now going to fear being fined so much they are bankrupted if they say something that bothers someone? What a chilling effect on free speech. A free society cannot operate in an environment where commentators are fined millions of dollars for their speech, let alone billions of dollars.

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Way too much evidence available on the Sandy Hook deception to dismiss it as "really did happen..." but it takes some time to look into it. But when you do it becomes glaringly obvious. So much else has flowed from its smoke and mirrors effectiveness. Jfk gulf of Tonkin Vietnam USS Liberty moon landings going of gold reserve gulf War I then 911 Afghanistan Iraq Libya COVID / JABS...

Jones thought he could placate the lawfare beast

and admit he was wrong but here we are.

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"... a bellwether of corporate state censorship to come."


Alex has his many flaws and gaffes,

but what he never dares speak reveals truth only we can dare write:

Government is the purest form of evil ever devised.

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America is clearly suffering from insanity. A fine of $1.5 billion on an individual citizen is pure absurdity. Likewise the concept of "a prison sentence of 150 years" etc. Pure f'ing insanity that people accept this nonsense without batting an eyelid.

What sort of legal system can fine someone $1.5 billion for inadvertently hurting someone's feelings? The families should have been able to laugh it off and rise above the fertile imagination of others. It's clear that civil law is abused to circumvent the 1st amendment - for the purposes of gagging. One way or another civil law is part of government. If anything the actual government should be obliged to actively arbiter and protect free speech - not just to avoid transgressing free speech itself.

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You're too obviously controlled opposition with giving credit to Alex Jones predicting September 11-2001, in fact it was William Cooper that predicted it around two months beforehand. They killed William Cooper not far from his home.

If AJ was a true patriot they'd have killed him long ago like they killed Cooper.

The IDF is Alex Jones supporting sponsors. This entire psychological operation using Jones and Trump as being people who are persecuted and just can't catch a break are to stir the masses up in to a lather foaming at the mouths. They controllers are using both wings of the dirty bird to collapse all nation states.

Protocols of The Learned Elders is in play to the letter.

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I don't know how anyone who is a writer could support this. Total travesty.

The even bigger travesty is that no one gives a shit. You would think Substack and the entire creative world/news world etc. would be up in arms at the suppression of free speech. But nope. Alex Jones is persona non grata, so it's all good.

Same goes for the idiotic "let's ban Nazis on Substack" movement.

Do people not understand this very simple concept.... "You're next"?

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Did he defame those parents?

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he called one of them a crisis actor I believe, i'm not sure about that. not a good look for sure, but whether it deserves a $1.5 billion judgment is another question

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Jun 11
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Yes! $1.5 billion from every single person who claims 9/11 was an inside job - or there were no airplanes and it was all controlled demolition etc.

What about Oct 7th and Netanyahu's supposed stand down of the military for at least 7 hours? Is that a $10 billion offense for those daring to mention it?

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