Valley girl speak started emerging in the late 70s , grew up in so cal and everyone was using the word “like” non stop in 76-77. It evolved into “like totally “ in 78-79. No creaking, more drawn out tooootallly. It was exaggerated by movies and those of us who lived it never even noticed until it that song came out 😂. It’s always something. I’m currently sick of “speaking my truth” and “ it is what it is”.

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I would give anything to go back to these words anymore.

Now we must deal with "amazing", "literally", and "journey".

Couple months ago I heard this gal say, "Like I literally just wanna work on my ascension," after referring to her small baby as "it." Repeatedly.

Yeah!! Cause when you repeatedly refer to the small human you reluctantly gave birth to, you're clearly headed for enlightenment just because you self declare that your journey is to work on ascension. mass spiritual narcissism rules the day! Weeeeee.


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Yikes. Referring to your baby as “it” is a very sickening. The child has been dehumanized. Glad my teens are (relatively) normal. They are respectful to their grandparents and can hold down good jobs, and say please and thank you. I guess that’s something!

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I'm especially tired of "I don't have to be spoken to like that" when one tries to anchor the conversation in reality.

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We live in the deep South, & I had a teenaged daughter with several female friends when the movie 'Clueless' came out. I can tell you that was a hoot of the highest degree when these girls would commence to having a coversation.

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If anyone has somehow missed the film "Valley Girl" starring Nic Cage, well, get on it! One of the creepiest scenes includes Cage on the beach, when they are posing on the beach and this shot of him in swim trunks; he has this massive "V" formation with his chest hair. Its a real riot.

The shorter Valley girl in the valley girl gang has a smokin' rack, too. Download it. Watch it.

You're welcome.

Like, totally!

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To speak my truth, I really liked the way you leaned into that, Ben.

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The Valley Girl accent is limited to the Silicon Valley.

The spreading drama queen accent is endemic across the nation and taking over communities colleges with serious creep into their NPR affiliate radio stations. It is easily recognized by the pitiful trailing off of almost every sentence into inaudibility. Fortunately, like the Valley Girl accent, it is limited to young women. We can only hope that they will grow out of it.

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Gnarly, dude!

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Are you sure that the comma is not extraneous?

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Yeah, I'm addressing Ben B. here. Direct address.....

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You don't understand public forums are public?

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I laughed out loud about "space," "journey," and "invite."

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as usual, blame canada !

those canucks either end every sentence with the upward inflection which universally indicates a question, or, 'eh'...

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the canadian "eh" is way cooler than the valley girl aesthetic

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It is called upspeak and it probably didn't originate in Canada, like the "eh" did.

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actually, bunch different cultures have that vocal inflection makes everything sound like a question... had neighbors from pennsylvannia-dutch country who had the same habit...

the 'eh' thing is from drinking molson i think...


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Since Molson owns Coors, they can change over.

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It is fascinating how rapidly this corruption has escalated since March 2020.

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Prion disease...

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What about it?

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