I’ll just state, I have worked with Mormons. Three out of the four were pro mRNA vaccine because the leader of the church told them it was the answer to their prayers. Also, the three were very liberal politically. One was not pro vaccine and he was conservative, but he did not agree with the other three on many issues.

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While I think it is important to teach our children about sex and about their bodies, I am way too old to believe that it's part of our job to involve ourselves personally in their learning process. I once read a book about the Trobriand Islanders, an indigenous group who inhabited some islands close to New Guinea. The children in this group were sexual with each other from around age 4. They'd jump into the bushes together. By the time they were teens, they had special teen hangout houses where the couples could have more privacy. The one taboo was eating together. If they ate together, that would be tantamount to marriage. I'm sure they've since been "civilized" by the west and have appropriate western religious attitudes. Don't know. Also never attended a dildo party or considered buying any for my daughters. But I grew up in a much freer religion and in NYC so never felt the need (or interest) to obsess over my children's sexuality. Interesting essay though. Mormons I've met seem to be genuinely nice people. One of my best friends was Mormon, but she broke away too. I'm pretty sure she never bought a dildo for her daughter either.

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The learning curve and practical application is different for everyone because these are the days of our lives on this 'journey' we call life. I was trying to channel my inner Kamala.

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Just unburden yourself from what has been.

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Take a spiritual dump to cleanse yourself from Mormon Stains on your soul,, good idea!

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Why would you seek to conjure slime within yourself?

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I've seen this "overcompensation" pattern in several women who have left the Mormon Church. An obsession with seeing "patriarchy" in everything and a desire to completely go in the opposite direction of said perceived "patriarchal rules." Ironically, it seems to mirror what has happened to America itself since the 1960s, especially in relationship to sex.

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The woman has real problems, not just a complete misunderstanding of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works (notice the correct spelling). I feel sorry for her daughters.

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Trailer for Kurosawa's Ikiru a/k/a "To Live":


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Fantastic film.

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Fun-to-read essay!

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Aug 8Edited

Any and all churches proclaiming the false Satanic Sunday Sabbath are purely Satanic. Their every service is sin, a direct violation of the Ten Commandments.

I have never met a Mormon vaguely similar to those you describe.

I did once ignorantly make the mistake of seeking help from a Mormon Church when stranded in a strange town, and the cold shoulder I received ensured that I would never make that mistake and confuse them with Godly people again.

The best version of the absurd hucksterism that is Mormonism is the episode South Park devoted to the topic.

The girl you mentioned sounds majorly disturbed and out of touch with reality. If you are able to talk to her you should let her know if she has rejected God, it doesn't matter what she does.

My mother used to do typing jobs in the evening for a Mormon too cheap to hire a secretary.

Such a self important self imagined superior being I have never met, and I have lived fifty years since then.

Its very similar to the Masons:the lower echelons think they are serving God, while the Honchos know it's all in service to the Evil One.

Unbelief is the epitome of unsophisticafion, and a rudimentary understanding shows beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are in the run up to Armegeddon, God's vengeance on the droolers known as Jew Haters.

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Great provoking thesis, Ben. When a philosophical system like Buddhism (and there are many systems who speak thusly) speaks of liberation, they speak of maintaining a strong identity so that, as we free ourselves from our own delusions, we don't swing wildly with the pendulum. A strongly centered self requires an individual to love and respect themselves. The Buddhism I practice says: "A truly wise man will not be carried away by any of the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace, honor, praise, censure, suffering and pleasure. He is neither elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline." (Gosho, p. 1117; MW-1, p. 206) Meaning...he doesn't swing with the pendulum. People I encountered on a self-avowed mystic's forum spoke of balance. The same thing. When the life comes to an equilibrium. You're correct. Most people evoke the balance by swinging wildly from one side to another. Sometimes this swinging requires lifetimes to balance. The advantage of a strong self-identity is that the swinging stops in this lifetime.

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