This is so disgusting, beyond belief. My whole life I never thought even once about changing my sex. When these kids get older they will be so depressed. Maybe they are now. There is no reasonable explanation to do this to yourself. This is all evil.

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This is criminal malpractice, exploiting psychologically disturbed individuals and persuading them to self-mutilate in the name of bogus "therapy". What are the benefits? Financial gain for the "healthcare" cartel, advancement of the population control agenda, and further de-moralization of normal society.

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Here is a must-watch video of Dr. Shayne Taylor of Vanderbilt Univ Hospital at an internal conference, bragging about what a huge money maker the "trans surgery" racket has been for the so-called healthcare system. Add that to the cancer racket, the vaccine racket, etc:


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I have avoided drs. mostly and still do, only going with very specific questions. Otherwise they try to foist endless vaccines on you.

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I agree. We live in an awful era.

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Hitler would 100% agree with you; but the Jew Bankers had him ‘Epsteined’-!

Get it yet, Goyim?

That’s why the Jews call Trump -“Hitler”

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