Remember in June 2023 - NYC Drag Marchers chant “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” https://twitter.com/TimcastNews/status/1672410287251529735

They were serious. This is the face of true evil. The 'chestfeeding' abomination now being encouraged with HIV positive men simulating women; facilitated, normalised, and made comparable to be on par with breastfeeding - is a sick perverted inversion of what is natural and intended by *women*. It also goes *beyond* child abuse. All persons involved will be arrested and held accountable sooner or later -just like the blowback starting with the c19 injections. There shall be no forgiveness, no concessions, no amnesty, no excuses permitted such as doctors "following NHS guidelines". No. Targeting and abusing the most vulnerable in our society - babies, infants, and children - deserves the harshest punishment permissible by law, and that still would not be enough.

Keep shining a light on the insanity, absurdities, and atrocities, Ben. I wonder what people will make of these posts in 20 years' time. Let us hope they will finally be shocked, disgusted, and outraged, en masse.

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let's hope!

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well, we have lab-grown meat so why not lab-grown breast milk? A hundred years ago, the medical establishment peddled Eugenics. They were the enlightened ones and the Catholic Church was in the dark ages for opposing. Invented in the UK and the US, the Nazis sought to perfect it. I only hope this transhumanist theory dies out before millions are murdered.

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This abomination of God !!! How utterly sad for the innocent baby!!! May Jesus claim the infant and bind the demon in the blood of Jesus🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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... net affect of the coronavirus pandemic, ever notice how all nurses, doctors and physicians suddenly became, virologists? Begging your pardon? A stranger to rigorous analysis, no practical lab work since their 300 series undergraduate chemistry, nurses. Sorry to burst your bubble, doctors and physicians don't do rigorous analysis. Preoccupied with their McMansions, their European sedans, and their portfolios, they drag themselves in to the office 20 minutes late everyday, merely form impressions, apply prescribed doctrine, running with the official medical establishment playbook. In actuality? A well informed layman trumps any naive, over-indoctrinated, misinformed medical professional on the topic of virology. In actuality, rank and file medical professionals don't know beans, about virology. Their credibility shot, after they've all embarrassed themselves asunder, professing otherwise? Now, we've wound with the mother of all social absurdities -- queers, weirdos, creeps, freaks and pedophiles, taking liberties, rebelling against biology, hard science, medicine, professing gay guys can knock each other up; breastfeed. Lazy, overpaid, complacent, indifferent medical professionals having sinned headlong, on their own science, becomes painfully evident, western medicine's best days, well behind her now - asj.

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The amount of contemporary demons running around is appalling. We need a Holy War renaissance.

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Remember the good ol’ days when HIV+ people knowingly engaging personally with another person could be tried for attempted murder? Assault with weapon at the least.

Never mind the fact that the whole thing is fucking retarded.

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2024 Bumper sticker:

Spay/Neuter your pets, not your kids.

It is speeding up. I am remiss to consider what this summer will bring. I'm afraid the 'summer of love' was a warm-up.


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Pride Month is right around the corner!

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...and topping the list of the Seven Deadly Sins...wait for it.. you all know him. He makes us all unreasonable, cocksure, immune to the cries of others, and fills us with righteous indignation with which we can hate our neighbors--PRIDE!.


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"Fisted from on high"... Gold.

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Only way to fix the current level of uman degeneration is what we perceive as TIME!

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