I have some "flat Earth friends," and I just can't talk to them about that topic. It's often people who "woke up" during the pandemic and then decided, that as you stated, if Fauci et al lied, then all of consensus reality was up for grabs: The Earth is flat. Viruses don't exist. The "White Hats" are secretly working to overthrow the Deep State. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. It's bonkers.

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Tell them to share that good stuff they're smoking.

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A laser beam has no mass and is therefore unaffected by the earth's gravitational pull (said Einstein I think). However, a laser beam transitted horizontally over a long distance would, due to the earth's curvature, appear at the receiving end to be at a higher elevation above ground. In experiments this doesn't happen, it remains at the same height. I'm no flat-earther but I've never been told how this is possible.

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There’s something odd for sure. I’ve observed the view from an airplane window as well and it looks more flat than round. Not sure what I should be seeing though.

Quantum physics apparently has the concept that it can both be round and flat. From billions of light years away.

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That is not true. Experiments show a rise above the original point. But lasers are poor tools because the light scatters, especially at long distances. There are so many experiments that prove curvature. How do you think modern navigation works?

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As people started questioning the moon landings, the flat earth thing took off. My wild ass guess is that (via the Nazis) they had developed craft that was propelled by some sort of anti-gravity tech. They no longer needed rockets, but wanted to keep it off limits for military purposes. The whole Antarctica treaty was to stop messing with the bases down there- as they got their asses kicked (Admiral Byrd mission lost a lot of ships and planes before they left early and never talked about it).

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“First, in matters involving potential mass deception on the part of the authorities, it’s important to ask the critical question, which is: cui bono?” THANK YOU!!!! This is question I’ve been asking for years! No one can provide a good answer.

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Nobody realizes they’re in a bubble. Sometimes we need to look at things a different way. From a new perspective.

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This should clarify why these guys are total idiots. The premier pusher of the theory being taken down hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBfEhIJLYfY

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The earth can’t be flat - the cats would have knocked everything off by now.

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Can it also not be infinite in size?

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I love the pictures taken with the Nikon P1000 camera. Have you seen them. They stand on the lakeshore in Michigan and take a photograph of Chicago.

All sorts of other long range pictures that challenge a globe earth.

Then uh oh, Nikon signs an agreement with NASA to be the official camera and the P1000 is discontinued.

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That’s okay.

There’s plenty of P900’s for sale.

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The Cui Bono thing you highlighted really hit me hard on the flat Earth thing. In a following the money type of way I can't figure out a single reason that anyone in power would benefit from telling people to believe in a roughly spherical Earth, but I can think of a few reasons they might want people to pile on to the flat Earth theory: it becomes a straw man argument against all so called conspiracy theorists, it intentionally pulls the focus away from biblical cosmology, satellites which have popped up over the globe like mushrooms, or any effects from the geomagnetic shield weakening, pole shift or anything else of that type. I won't even go into the potential on interdimensional space travel or aliens that get lost from this viewpoint. Yes, the maths is hard in astronomy. I suspect they figured some things out thousands of years ago on that that have been hidden ever since.

I wrote about this same subject matter a few years ago and my feelings have not evolved at all. Thanks for the input:https://amysukwan.substack.com/p/what-to-believe-taking-on-the-flat

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teachers leave them kids alone

stop claiming them as your own

stick to teaching the three R's

keep your drag shows at the bars


you've no right to brainwash kids

abide by what we forbid

stop this grooming that has grown

teachers leave them kids alone



#poem #kids #groomer

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Jun 4Edited

The fact is there are several experiments that have been done in the past that suggest that the world is flat. The candle on the back of a boat held 6 inches above the water as the boat traverses a very long straight canal comes to mind where the candle is sighted using a telescope at the start point also held 6 inches above the water and after a certain distance say half a mile the candle shouldn't be able to be seen as it has gone over the horizon and yet the candle can be seen for many miles apparently.

The fact is there are many hundreds of experiments that suggest the world is a globe and there is the simple evidence of our own eyes as the curved shadow of the Earth's limb passes over the Moon.

The fact is there are trillions upon trillions of experiments that suggest the world is part of a multiverse with zero dimensions and has only the appearance of dimensionality.

Take your pick but only the last idea of a dimensionless multiverse makes any real sense. What we see as dimensions are simply the brain's way of simplifying reality for us, the flat earth or globe earth models of reality exist only in our heads and the multiverse has no need of something as silly as dimensions. Any "scientific" theory that requires there be dimensions is choosing the shadow on the wall of the cave "reality" of the human mind rather than the true underlying reality of Physics ....... or far more likely, God.

I always find it fascinating that many flat earthers are very religious, or so they say, and yet they want to believe in a God who is only capable of creating a terrarium or a fish tank on his sideboard rather than a multiverse. If there is one thing that irks me as a tropical fish keeper it is that the fish in my tanks can't live in their natural and huge habitat and if I could I would transport each species to its appointed place on this planet to live their lives as they were meant to be lived. If I can think that way surely God can think that way too and he can also act on it by creating an infinity of places in a conceptual multiverse for different species to live by simply thinking about it. Science is driven by the Occam's razor idea that the simplest solution is usually the correct one eg that the Earth revolves around the Sun not the other way round with the Sun and planets revolving around the Earth in some intricate fashion and yet in a dimensionless multiverse solution to reality everything "revolves around" every single sentient being ......... Copernicus was wrong, the simplest solution is indeed the correct one but in a multiverse the simplest solution is not the one that seems obvious to us. To progress we must ditch dimensions, time and mass as all of these are simply shadow effects of the underlying reality processed by our brains, the shadows on the cave wall not reality.

I'm pretty sure we had a great civilisation on this planet at one time but they flew too close to the Sun, they imagined themselves gods and did evil things, and so God put them back in a glass case on his sideboard to teach them a lesson. I have a feeling we are being released back into the wild again but with a warning from the landlord to be on our best behaviour.

And remember if all reality is conceptual then so are you and conceptual things such as cars and rocks and planets and distance seem real and solid to you, as you are made of the same interacting concepts, ......... but they are not and we can learn to overcome all of these, we can all overcome the world if we truly believe and use the God given Science for good not evil or back to the sideboard we shall go or possibly the incinerator this time round as who wants a multiverse full of random acts of evil?

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I know nothing about flat earth or the moon landing was a hoax. But I have seen a pretty good alternative scenario for the moon landing. Flat earth would definitely complicate matters but I suspect like me most commenting here have not done the investigation to rule it out but just rely on others having done that without understanding the maths or physics. There is a guy interviewed by Australian TV in the 60s (I think TV was introduced there in 66 so maybe around then). He said that the moon was not solid but a gaseous entity. If it is then there’s a lot of lies covering that one up.

How many lies do we believe in I wonder.

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For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

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They are so stupid its not even funny. Dunning Kruger effect on steroids.

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