Thomas Sowell, for example, also mentions Nigerians in the US as examples of successful blacks that share none of the common traits of blacks in the US.

Here is an article too (but I would mostly ignore FT's analysis): https://www.ft.com/content/ca39b445-442a-4845-a07c-0f5dae5f3460

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“Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state – and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves...”

Sowell gets this 100% correct; the majority of people in prison grew up in single parent households. Prostitutes and strippers also report growing up in a single parent household. Those of us lucky enough to have a father in our lives should do what we can to support and mentor those who are not so fortunate.

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“It is the most accommodating to outside cultures and ethnic identities. It is the most open to new ideas. It is the most concerned with individual merit over collective identity, racial or otherwise.”

There is nothing like American history when it comes to fighting a civil war to end slavery. Slave owners, KKK members and Southern Manifesto anti-integration southern politicians were all Democrats. America has always ultimately rejected unfair behavior.

Just like the bad guys in any Orwell novel, projection is the go to defense of a totalitarian state. Whatever behavior they accuse their target of engaging in is actually what they are doing. Too bad it is now more than name calling. They are actually locking people up for speech and though that doesn’t align with their ridiculous claims.

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