Turns out, Jones was totally right about the gay frogs. Indeed.

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(Is he Bill Hicks? )I listen to clips of Alex Jones, can’t take a whole broadcast.

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A clip is more than my mother can take

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I typically don't believe anyone is X-CIA, but apparently Robert David Steele really was X-CIA. John Rappoport, who has worked on the Alex Jones show as a sub, vouches for Alex Jones, and I really respect what JR has to say on all topics. Perhaps the Psyop part of it is to present the truth out of a mouth that most people can't tolerate, and in this way cause the truth to be ridiculed. Obviously, we have needed people like Alex Jones this whole time. Of course, anyone who came into possession of his kind of knowledge would be angry and paranoid. I am now at the place where I believe AJ is forthright and his style is who he really is.

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RDS was a great guy whom I worked with shortly before he passed. I respected his whole ethos a lot.


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