"Even the racist and antisemitic “Great Replacement Theory” was recently amplified on Twitter/X by none other than its owner, Elon Musk, and the right-wing darling Tucker Carlson.” Um, sorry, Debbie, but believe in the Great Replacement Theory or not, it's certainly not "antisemitic" by any standard.

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Debbie is the absolute WORST. I remember her Machiavellian ways back when she and the DNC were trying to screw Bernie Sanders in 2016 (and later, Tulsi Gabbard), with their plotting to get Hillary into the White House by hook or by crook. She's so toxic.

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The media and politicians consistently falsely equate "hate speech" with "fighting words." The former is being mean (sticks and stones . . .). The latter is supposed to be the boundary where limitation of speech becomes permissible under the Constitution. That and obscenity, which is supposed to be based on contemporary community standards (i.e. local variations exist). Obscenity is ubiquitous in our public school libraries, yet politically favored. So when I hear the words "hate speech," I immediately tune out to whatever is said next.

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Give Debbie a break. 2 more punches on her 10 punch card of idiotic diatribes and she gets to kiss Hillary's ass again.

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The 'not allowed to criticise' attribution should be Tacitus.... It appears obfuscated online on purpose and weaponised in itself.

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... give it up everybody, let's hear it, big round of applause, America's poster girls for election rigging:

1). Hillary Clinton (e.g., tried flipping 2016, but she didn't flip it enough) --

2). Nanzi Pelozi (e.g., no way 2020 could have been flipped, her not knowing) -

3). Elizabeth Warren (e.g., Warren knew before anyone 2020 would be flipped) -

4). Katie Hobbs -

5). Liz Cheney -

6). KLOBUCHAR, Amy (bet you coffee & doughnuts she's a pothead) -

7). tie: Fani Willis, esq. & the Honorable Tanya Chutkan -

8). Dianne Feinstein (e.g., fingers in everyone's' pie, she had to have known the fix was in) -

9). dearest Donna Brazile -

10). beloved Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (e.g., how many guys has she slept with?)

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Answer to your number 10 question: 'only the unlucky ones'. They can be found in the syphilis wards, or, were they crazed to start with.

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.... three biggest problems inherent to democracy:

a). geared for offer 'n compromise, policy is never optimal -

b). subverted and dominated by small, well-organized special interest groups -

c). rock-scissors-paper (e.g., democracy is always trumped, by electioneering) -

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Wasserman-Shultz, former chair of the DNC, is also a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has controlled US govt and media since WW2. Propaganda is their specialty, and they don't tolerate dissent. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

CFR members on the "Biden team" include Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Burns, Mayorkas, Powell, and dozens more. See lists: cfr.org/membership/roster cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

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HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU, BEN?!! (It's just my joke. 🙂)

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Dude. It's Chosenness. It's Jewish First and Uber Alles Israel rules the world. So this cunt as you call her is just another lesbian version of a lizard. Could be Nuland or Kagan or Garland or Blinken.

I've been in unions with cesspool Rabbi Taught LGBTQA Judaica and the arrogance and elitism and patronizing and know it all viruses they shed are part and parcel their I Wish I Was a Rothschild song and dance. Of course, covered in that Chomsky Epstein liberalism, they, those people, laugh at dumb as a bag of rocks Goyim.

Going after a Debbie is like going after a Rachel or Barbara or or or. You got it, Toyota.

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Dec 7, 2023
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Misused terms: zionist, jewish, semitic (political, religious, racial). History shows that "zionism" is neither jewish nor semitic, and most who claim to be "jewish" are really atheist/humanist hypocrites.

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well said and this is my understanding as well. pretty slick games played with words.

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Dec 7, 2023
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Indeed she was a ringleader in the screw and smear Bernie campaign in 2016.

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