We used to have people assimilate but this days I'm sure that's labeled racist.

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"We used to have people assimilate but this days I'm sure that's labeled racist."

Actually, it's labeled "stupid" because NO ONE outside of your mentally ill shit stain of a country is interested into "assimilating" into a society of gender-confused, self-loathing pedophiles whose only interests in life consist of compulsively masturbating to Pornhub, playing video-games ad nauseum, inventing new 'genders', and dying their hair pink.

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The words were USED to like when my grandparents came over in the early 1900's.

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Well, unless you are a deluded American of European Heritage.

Then thee is a tendency to mock one's ethnicity and Virtue Signal that you are beyond all that and inagine yourself as being an " American*, so thoroughly assimilated/indoctrinated that you crap on your own heritage.

When iit reaches that point, a positive becomes a negative.

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Once again I am thankful I live in a very Republican redneck community and state.

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Not for long!

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Oh yes it is so. Redneck riviera here. Very few Hispanics. And the ones here are here with their wives and children. And no Haitians. The government doesn't send them here and they don't want to come here either.

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No city, town, suburb, rural area, neighborhood, parish, county is safe. They are being brought here to wreck and ruin our lives. If you live in a red state there is a good chance it's located in a tropical climate which attracts primitives from the third-world. I expect the red States to go blue sooner rather than later and to be swarming with people unfit for existence in a free society. Best of luck to you.

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Well you expect wrong and have obviously never been to Alabama.

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We must ban all immigration PERMANENTLY ! We must deport all foreign invaders NOW !


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I don't expect that OG Tom Paine would agree.

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Correct. See below and check out my website. CVHOAX.COM

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"We must deport all foreign invaders NOW"

..says the demented, low IQ Americunt whose own nation is the EXACT CAUSE of all these so-called "invaders" coming over to begin with.

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Dear retard, the government is at war with us. The same people who destroyed your shithole country are the same ones convincing you losers to come here and replace us. That was their plan all along. By coming here you're just doing their bidding. Third World Low IQ immigrants like you are just cows being herded to another field. All immigrants are selfish hypocrites. Thanks to out traitor government we went from 90% white to under 60% in 59 years. The population has increased from 150 million to 350 million and the environment has suffered massively as a result. You would never accept this in your primitive garbage country. So you're a hypocrite. If our treasonous government told you it was okay to tob a bank, would you ? Because replacing us is much worse. Money can be replaced and we can not be. Did you even read the article ? Why don't you fix your toilet of a country and stop running away from your problems. Try reading Confessions Of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins and The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffon Griffin. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the problem has to do with that your people are Low IQ and incapable of First World status ? The reason our evil is replacing us with you is because we're taking control of the government. Third World immigration is a weapon to destroy America. Then there will be no freedom for anyone. You're too dumb to understand this. It doesn't matter how many people Donald Trump killed with his death shot for a fake virus because DT is a symbol of America First and Satanic Globalists last. One of two things is gonna happen. Either DT is president again and all you fuckers will be deported. Or they steal a third election (2022 was stolen too) and it Revolutionary War 2.0 in which case it will be open season on traitor politicians and illegal foreign invaders. It behooves you to go back now and make your pitiful country great for the first time. Get ahead of the curve and avoid the consequences of a revolutionary war. There are over a hundred million armed patriots in America. We outnumber the police and military by over a hundred to one. The government and the foreign invaders don't stand a chance. So go home now or bring it on. The question you should ask yourself is if our criminal government was willing to go so far as to replace us with you then what do you suppose they have planned for you ? To begin with they're gonna replace you with another 300 million Third World shit kickers. Then get ready to live in a 15 minute New World Order prison city while you eat bugs and get killer vaccines shoved up your ass. By replacing us you lose any chance of freedom. Try doing some research and stop embarrassing yourself.

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Visit CVHOAX.COM if you want the truth.

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Hopefully those Hatians can get past Vodun, treacherous leaders, and come to understand God, here in America.

In 1984 when I was there for a few weeks helping build a hospital for birthing healthy babies you only had to get to the backside of the airport in Port Au Prince and see Voodoo death symbols hanging everywhere. It literally lined the streets as they marked places where they thought "the gods" wanted them to, for protection.

20,000 against 58,000 in 2 years is too much. We had that in my town 30 years ago with Latin immigrants and are just now getting past the surge of children and new schools and infrastructure expansion.

This latest wave will be the one that can't be hosted as was pointed out decades ago. A million a year, nationwide was about all we can handle, maybe 1.5 million now.

But, in our small towns and farm country we are not worried about Venezuelan gangs because we have long guns, and thousands of 2nd generation immigrants who won't put up with that crap either.

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<cues Neil Diamond>

"They're comin' to America..."

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In South Florida, where I grew up, they had a special patrol that cleaned all the animal sacrifices, typically neighborhood pets, but occasional goats and chickens raised in backyards against city codes, from the courthouse steps. Said sacrifices were to bring luck to their court cases by voodoo practioners of the Haitian persuasion.

Other enrichment included aids out of all proportion to the population. This is still the case in Haiti. It's well known next door in the Dominican Republic to stay away from Haitian whores. There's also orphanages dedicated to Haitian babies born with aids.

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Boo-hoo, having trouble with the "new neighbors', are we?

It really, really, REALLY takes a SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID to go running amuck around the planet randomly bombing foreigners out of house & home, murdering their kids, maiming their loved ones, destabilizing & overthrowing their governments under the guise of (giggle) "spreading democracy" ..whilst simultaneously stealing their natural resources in the process, of course... and then incoherently going out of your way in order to import the very same people fleeing said abuses into your own country. Adding insult to stupidity, you Amerikan asswipes incoherently expect some form of 'gratitude' or 'adaptation' in return.

Well, think AGAIN. The ones who will be 'adapting' moving forward will be YOU.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: it is TRULY a PLEASURE watching your shit stain of a country collapsing under the sheer weight of its own massive evil, rampant degeneracy and mass collective mental illness. The USSA is FINISHED. Kaput. Over. Finito. Go ahead and stick a fork into that turkey ..it is DONE!

A final thought in parting; you reap what you sow, karma's a bitch and what goes around comes around. ENJOY!

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It wouldn't surprise me if the Haitian invaders are cannibals.

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I wouldn't worry much about it if I were you, given how most Americant's are so stuffed full of carcinogenic GMO based 'foods' that you've all been rendered INEDIBLE. On the upside, your hides might make reasonably acceptable throw-rugs and lamp shades.

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"... how 'bout a little inflation, scarecrow?!?! How 'bout a little illegal immigration, tin man?!?!" Remember L. Frank Baum's wicked witch of the west? In case no one told you, it's your own policy community, having turned on you, selling you out. See, we're bad Americans. We didn't vote for Hillary. We deserve to be punished. Our government doesn't love us, anymore. They hate us. They mean to do us harm. Whacked out democrats opened the floodgates, to their bestest little buddies, using illegal aliens to initiate their proxy war, against Main Street, USA. The government in Washington DC no longer represents the United States of America - Samuel.

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... in case you haven't figured it out? That country music massacre in Las Vegas, 2017, that everyone's forgotten about? That wasn't some whacked out democrat, taking pot shots. That was sanctioned! That was a declaration of war, your very own policy community, throwing down the gauntlet - Samuel.

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... wake up, people! Wake the #$%@ up - Samuel.

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Don't forget, these are the ones that we will be competing with for survival when the food runs out...

Might do better to master their methods than to just gawk with dismay.

Roast Duck sounds a lot better to me than insect loaf.

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