Government Conducts Brutal Dog Experiments = Bad !!!

Government funds genocide = ++ Good !!!

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Unnecessary and cruel experiments on puppies is evil. Humans are, however, more important and valuable than puppies. Currently the US Government is funding and giving diplomatic support to the Zionist entity’s genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. The Zionist entity’s Knesset recently debated whether it is appropriate to rape and sodomize Palestinian detainees. Many if not the the majority of these detainees are being detained illegally without due process of law according to traditional western jurisprudence. Moreover, the US Congress greeted the hitlerian Netanyahu to thunderous acclaim and standing ovations while prohibiting any vocal displays to the contrary. Where is the outrage?

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Government Conducts Brutal Dog Experiments = Bad !!!

Government funds genocide = Good !!!

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Dear Ben, thank you, true & excellent final paragraph, Ed

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Since we are dealing with pseudoscience, maybe they should be testing drugs on jackalopes.

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On traitor Jim Jordan's gravestone will be written "He wrote God a strongly worded letter not to kill him but he's dead ....... and good riddance to bad rubbish."

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What are the specifics of Jim Jordan's treason?

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