This article caught me off guard today.

It reminded me of when I was 17-20 years old and read about some large company laying of 25,000 employees and their stock skyrocketing. Wall Street actually rewarded CEOs for firing people?!?!?!


What kind of society do I live in? Material, not spiritual. Scarce not abundant. Fear not love.

Why does Goldman Sachs still exist? Didn't we, the US Taxpayer, save their bacon in 2008/9?

How about we take it all back with interest?

Maybe the dance is to be in the world, not of the world. I find that difficult.

I know this is how Wall Street operates, but I guess I maintain enough willful blindness that I do not let is darken my soul and quash any hope most days. It is when I'm confronted so drastically like today's article that I'm caught by surprise and knocked a bit askew--WTF?!?

In Afghanistan after a servicemember was killed in action, we held a 'Fallen Comrade Ceremony'. EVERYONE would leave work to stand on Disney Drive (named after another fallen Soldier years before I arrived in 2006) to await the passing of the flag-draped coffin. As the 'tactical hearse' (a HMMWV) neared, we'd come to attention, present arms (salute), and hold the salute as the vehicle passed.

One day after a particularly shitty ceremony--we lost over a dozen Soldiers at one time when a helicopter crashed--I returned to my office. I had an unclassified computer and a classified computer. I pulled up the Drudge Report and the top story was about some gray-haired fat guy who just won American Idol. WHAT?@!??!?! Is this what I'm protecting? Gross.

I feel the same way today after reading this. Gross. Just gross.


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Most of the newly approved drugs look lethal. Geoff Pain is the best in the world on these things. I cannot recommend his stack enough.

Ozempic causes thyroid cancer


Shingles "vaccines"


RSV "vaccines"


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It’s a nightmare… they put my 💜 on it & he didn’t stay on too long because side effects were so severe but since then he has lost his gallbladder & now has undiagnosed liver issues ..

But I was given poison drug back in 90s & they know it’s poison ☠️ yet have made it FIRST line treatment in gender confused minors. 😈😈

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When I saw this article I thought it was a new post from The Farce Feed. At any rate Goldman Sachs need not worry. Inflation is already boosting domestic spending to record levels. The economy must be booming!

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Gold-filled Sacks... Globoziofascohomo.

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I personally know several people in the nursing profession who are on this crap. Which should tell you something about your average "healthcare" worker and their knowledge of how to be a healthy human.

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The whole thing is obscene, but 13.1 percent of a fat 200 pounder is 26.2 pounds over 3 months, 2.1333 pounds a week .

In my youth, I would pudge out as high as 240, drinking hot cocoa and Irish Coffee and holiday meals and then dump it all down to 190 every Spring just cutting out the crap and moving a bit more.

2 pounds a week isn't a big deal at all but fatties go for it with the idea they can still eat like pigs.

I don't believe it is generically wired in the brain, but I do believe they have that rarity of rarities, a severe mental disorder.

It Is a fact that most Biggest Loser contestants gained back at least their original weight, but it doesn't prove they couldn't help it; it proves they went back to stuffing themselves full of crap in front of The Tube.

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Good one, Ben. Helena Glass had a good article about this that I linked today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Linking yours tomorrow!!!

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Our medical system SOLD OUT years ago

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I have nothing to say besides the earth's magnetic shield is weakening, poles are shifting, and it'll reach a point in the near future where a mild CME will be enough to throw us back to pre-electricity days (SEE: Carrington Event), and put an end to most of this nonsense. My biggest regret about that will be that communications will be down, and I won't get to hear about these shitbirds and their ilk getting their comeuppances. The biggin's won't be able to get their drugs, but won't put the weight back on, as food will be mostly unattainable. But, hey, sorry about that stomach paralysis ya got going on.

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