Purely from an empire point of view- why the fuck are we continuing to do this? The case for for-serious civilizational suicide is pretty strong.

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There's the personal enrichment/corruption angle of the elites sucking off the carcass of the rotting American riches, but there's also the transition away from the nation-state model to a global technocracy headed by the WEF and all the shadowy interests it serves as a front for. If anything, American Empire is an impediment to the globalists' project as a strong nationalist entity like that would threaten their project. That's the best I can work out. But I'm sure there are lots of things going on at once.

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Similar to Snakebite's point: Empire building is never about improving any country. It is always about improving the private lives of the individuals that control the government. This is true for absolutely everything that a ruler (so-called "government") does.

The only way to understand someone's choices ("the government"/the ruler) is to understand their incentives.

PS: Yes, the obvious question is "Why would anyone want rulers, then?". Well...

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your comment made me think of this classic monty python thing for whatever reason


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Short answer: money and power.

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That's the opposite of what I'm saying.

Deliberately tanking the US petrodollar TAKES AWAY money and power from US hegemony. This is why I'm questioning its sanity.

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“Takes away money and power from US hegemony” is true for our country but individuals promoting this BS (like the Clintons) get rich.

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