I believe they are all WEF puppet’s now … just playing conservative until elected then go along with show

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I'm sure the German authorities will 'up their game' taking a tyrannical leaf out of the UK govt playbook...


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Germany will never be free and neither will any other Europeans until the US implodes taking its NATO enforcer arm down with it and that day isn't far off. Once NATO is gone I think we are going to see familiar scenes around Europe with the US collaborators being set upon as we saw after the Germans pulled back from France and Italy etc at the end of WW2. Maybe even the Germans will grow a pair and do the same to their US vichy collaborators, after all stranger things have happened. I think that is the real reason Two Tier Kier is emptying the British prisons, he knows when NATO collapses the US regime in Westminster is going to be toast unless he can lock up lots and lots and lots of ........ white people. That is also why he is sucking up to muslims as he hopes they will defend his Gaza genocide regime from the British working class. Clearly none of this is going to work out for him and all the traitors in Westminster will be going to hell in a handbasket in my humble opinion which I think I am still entitled to hold in the UK.

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“..but they each work equally poorly when the country is a functional oligarchy controlled by special interests.”

Isn’t that always the case? What is theoretically superior often comes up short in real life application. Like Mike Tyson says, “Everyone’s got a plan until they’re punched in the mouth.

Whether we like it or not, the games always go through brackets until things reach the battle Royale. In the end, it always ends up with the two leading Totalitarians in the ring; Fascists facing off against Communists.

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The two leading totalitarians may "face off" against each other for the msm and cameras, but they are members of the same team, owned and controlled by the same Zionazi psychopathic elite ruling class.

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its death from a thousand cuts

with a swift kick to the nuts

elites plan to grind us down

turn us all into ground round


no course of random events

all done with evil intents

they've kept us rats in a daze

as we try to run their maze


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

#RATS #poem

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