Catholic Church has been doing it for 2 millenia. The political and Hollywood elite do it on an island. Pedophilia is on its way to becoming a protected class.

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Excellent article. These people and their "culture" are not compatible with the Judeo-Christian basis that our Western culture is built on. Those poor boys in Afghanistan and the victims of rape.

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imagine having boy rape as a cultural value

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It is horrific. I cannot imagine any scenario where selling my child into this life could ever be an option. I would much rather die. They are not human beings as we know the term to mean. And I cannot call them animals because this would never happen in the animal kingdom. These entities are something else entirely: It's like they are dead inside, a form of zombie if you will, the minute they decide to commit these atrocities. I will include the treatment of women in this.

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heard of NAMBLA? this evil lives everywhere

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Just imagine how fun diverse Europe will be as each of these oh so tolerant host countries become minorities in their own land? That is a fact coming very soon to Scandinavia and fairly soon to the rest of the EU countries. Native Europeans are on the extinction list weather they realize it or not. And that folks is precisely what our open American border is about as well.

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Not unlike our gastrointestinal micro biome (strange analogy, I know, bear with me) can’t be changed too rapidly without negative symptoms, so too human cultures that are too unlike one another cannot be rapidly mixed without huge problems arising.

It has always been expected that a guest in a culture accept the culture and behave accordingly. Now foreign cultures, at least to the woke and the PC are beyond reproach, no matter what they are.

Men from cultures where women have little value are, apparently, kept from raping them through the covering of women from head to toe, and the barring of women from most parts of society. Maybe the men’s misogyny is rooted in the shame of being born to such a lowly creature?

The other reason for these acts of hatred are likely rooted in the fact that when people from misogynist countries emigrate it is usually young men who have the opportunity to do so. They subsequently find themselves in a country where the native women lack interest in them due to their misogyny, and there are no women from their own culture to be found. This, predictably, breeds frustration and a sense of alienation. And why anyone could’ve thought it was a good experiment to conduct is beyond me. Are politicians following their WEF overlords, or attempting to save their economy through importing cheap labor?

Great article, Ben! Thank you for bringing up this awful but important issue!

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That is an interesting and strange analogy. I have previously heard Thailand of having a "cultural immune system" to outside influences, meaning they cannot easily be changed. Seems like a similar kind of analogy.

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Interesting! This would definitely be a good time for stable cultures to have strong immune systems.

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Our greatest strength

Our values

Who we are

It’s certainly not us “little people” who are the “we” in this. They, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be put it right in our faces that this is what they want, how they think and live.

Gawd I wish people would wake up to this sick fact!

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If there is any justice in the world, the guy that was raped was one of the idiots carrying "refugee welcome" signs. But I doubt.

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Personally, if anyone absolutely must be migrant-raped in Germany, I would vote for Angela Merkel. But that bitch would never be caught dead on a train with the peasants. And I'm certain she has a no-migrant policy on her private jet and in her limo.

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Also true.

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Ah, Ben!! But current-day Germany is absolutely no different from the Great Adolph Days. The repression --is the same. The totalitarian enforcement of peculiar laws--is the same. The extermination of a culture--is the same. Indeed, Germany today looks every bit identical to Germany 1930s-40s. Only...instead of Hitler...you have the EU with their phony scientism and concocted bullshi*t programs of climate change to initiate human behavioral change. The only salient question: why do they fear the homogenous integration of Germans into a national identity? Certainly no one follows Hitler today. I sense fear. "Who are they and why do they fear" is the better question.

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