If the cancerous european far left were not so utterly convinced of their own moral superiority there would be no need for parties devoted to common sense like the AfD. As if the left ever gave a second thought to someone else's well being that didn't require their overarching and thoroughly destructive interference and meddling. I despair for German culture and society and they should use those fine German minds to save themselves from the lesser parasite that now holds them hostage.

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Clearly it is time to ban the AFD before actual democracy breaks out in Germany. God forbid anyone should be permitted to question the WEF narratives without being imprisoned as is happening in the UK right now. The German government needs to take a leaf out of Starmer's book and arrest everyone.

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Yes, it's true, they called Björn Höcke a Nazi for two straight years plus sentenced him for saying "all for Deutschland" and the people still voted for him the most in Thüringen, this can only mean, people are not doing anymore as being told which makes it a great day for Freiheit!

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... people are liberal because, they can afford to be. Free from balance sheet discipline, they can afford to make mistakes you and I can't. Their plan, as always, buy low, sell high. That they lack for intellect and wherewithal for due diligence? It's easier for them, going scorched earth, turning America into a smoldering, crumbling 3rd world dystopia, so they can step in, pick it up, cents off the dollar, build back, take control. Reason rent is off the charts? They're the ones opening the floodgates, to their bestest little buddies, illegal aliens, hiking rent into the ionosphere, to subsidize new real estate acquisitions, for which control real estate supply. Physics 101 for idiots? For every action? A reaction? There is blow-back in Germany. Blow-back, here in America, is inevitable - Samuel.

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... darlings of the democrat political party, illegal aliens. Bending over backward to make them happy, the democrat people are more loyal to illegal aliens than they are, us - Samuel.

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... case no one told you? Playing you off, against illegal aliens, opening the border, refusing to enforce your laws, this is how your government fights its proxy war, against you. On account you didn't vote for Hillary? The government in Washington DC declared war against you. And, they're using illegal immigrants, to fight it - Samuel.

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... case no one told you? You're at war, with Central American civilian mercenaries, picking your pockets, making a grab for anything that isn't nailed down - Samuel.

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Unfortunately have lived in Germany for over 20 years and struggling to escape. Though there are no real islands of refuge left anywhere in the western world, Germany is IMO the absolute worst. The typical German's greatest fear is to be thought a Nazi. This has been great for zionists, devastating for the once great German people.

We are clearly on the same wavelength as far as AFD and German woke mental illness, but just for readers who may not be familiar with German political landscape: The AFD party is nothing close to far right, they are a perfectly sane conservative party working to save the country from becoming an irreparable socialist dystopia.

As in the US, Canada, all western countries, the German mainstream news is all leftist lies and propaganda, so anyone who somehow has not understood this and failed to find alternative news sources is living in a parallel reality.

Stabbings, gang rape, murder by migrants has been exploding for close to 10 years now. And accelerating daily. This is why even the formerly hopeless German sheep are finally voting for the voice of sanity. Because they actually fear to go out after dark, ride public transport etc.

Even better news in Germany is that young people, who historically everywhere have tended to be liberal, "anti-establishment", idealistic, bleeding heart etc ... are now tending to turn conservative here. If for no other reason than they understand that as things now stand, the future holds very little for them -- not even personal safety or a modest degree of prosperity.

Thanks for this. Excellent.

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