I attended several different churches as I was growing up, being a Sears brat (similar to an army brat without the onerous commitment), and I only clearly remember the Baptist church I attended kitty-corner from Sunshine Elementary school in Springfield, MO and the United Church of Christ across the street from the house I lived in from junior high until I cleared the nest.

I have settled on calling myself a Christian atheist because I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as received but I can't buy most of what else the bible says, regarding it as the product of men who built a religion to control men around a savior and lord. I can't believe that a loving creator that went to the trouble of giving us free will would punish us for using it. I think that Eben Alexander got the truth from the beautiful butterfly that greeted him in heaven.

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Sounds reminiscent of the Diest belief Thomas Jefferson had, who believed in Jesus as a moral guide, but had serious issues with the rest of the Bible, including all of the OT, Paul's writings, so much so that he wrote his own massively trimmed down version. The Jefferson Bible as it's called however, was never publicly distributed as he knew how controversial it would be. Thomas Paine on the other hand had no issues challenging religion and paid a heavy social price (though Paine was definitely not atheist and firmly believed in a creator in the deist sense: https://www.thomaspainesociety.org/paineondeism )

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Monticello sells the Jefferson Bible in their gift shop.

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God is true, Collins is a fraud & unless he repents of his contributions to this massive crime against humanity he will face the judgement of God, guaranteed.

"So then each of us will give an account of himself to God."

Romans 14:12

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During the last three years, we discovered that too many of our 'elite' are delusional at best and utterly twisted and wiked at worst.

What a disappointment.

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Lake of Fire! No Amnesty.

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He'll burn...

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from your fingers to god's eyes

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When It Comes To "Protecting Others"

The Vaccinated Have Set Their Sights ...

Shall We Say

- A Triffle High.


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