Thanks for reporting on this... here's some food for thought:

Scientists have been studying the use of viruses as a vehicle for self-disseminating vaccinations for decades. In 2001, scientists had successfully infected rabbit populations with a modified virus that was acting as a self-disseminating vaccination. At that point, self-dissemination became a proven technology.

By 2003, scientists were using modified viruses that could spread throughout a population, called “freely disseminating virally vectored immunocontraceptive agents,” to sterilize rats, feral horses, and other wildlife. At this point, it is clear that scientists can genetically modify contagious viruses, and use them as a vehicle to genetically modify any given population. This can be used to provide immunization against disease, or cause sterilization to reduce the threat of overpopulation.

I stumbled upon this information back in January 2022 -- links are in the full report here:


What we are witnessing is a convergence of capacity and intent, in many different vectors, none of which bodes well for the future of humanity. Informed consent? Psha. They don't give a F*CK. In their sick and twisted minds, they have to drastically reduce the human population and forcefully impose global top-down control (using weaponized AI) in order to "save the planet".

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Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink, and Bill Gates, to name just a few have all recently made public comments to the effect that our collaboration will have to be forced.

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'They' as you call them presumably aren't miraculously immune from the effects they wish to impose on others? How do 'they' not get bitten by mosquitos, how do 'they' not get infected by 'virally vectored immunocontraceptive agents'?

Once you release 'vaccines' into nature's web, you can't stop 'nature' acting without regard for how rich and powerful you are.....

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No, "they" are not miraculously immune. They, being the funders and manufacturers of the virally vectored agents, will have undoubtedly engineered the cure prior to dumping the virus into the wild for self-dissemination. That's kind of a no-brainer. These people are evil, not stupid.

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They also have access to organ donors through the young transgenders who are being tissue typed and farmed in the West.

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These bio-terrorists will gladly put your "informed consent" papers in your casket before you are cremated or buried. The medical system isn't sacrosanct...it's a sacrilege.

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Welp… just found out how the zombie apocalypse started

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Last year they released these death mosquitos here in SO CAL (Riverside County) supposedly to "combat" West Nile virus---and now **surprise! surprise!"** there has been a resurgence of that disease.

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… and, in a bizarre twist of karma, the GreatFauci has it … after just getting over his 3d bout of the FauciFlu …

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We need more hummingbirds, a lot more!

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I planted a hummingbird/bee garden. I have seen a decrease in hummingbirds but finally an increase in honeybees this year. During the covid me-too freakout, the honey bees were basically non-existent. God-given nature always rejuvenates, no matter what humans' egos do to it. The same is true for our God-given immune systems. Once the poisoning stops, the healing begins.

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Apparently the big Gates funded mosquito farm in South America is in Medellin... They've already been released in the States and Caribbean... If I were a betting man, I would say Haiti...

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Pandora's box pales in comparison to this shitfuckery....

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Wait! Didn't Fauci just come down with West Nile Virus? Isn't that a mosquito-borne disease????

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Bill Gates uses a "soft way" to get the shiti into your body. Unlike the new N Z Version:

New Zealand legalizes FORCED VACCINATIONS – refusers to be tied to beds and forcibly injected

08/08/2024 // Ethan Huff

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Techno-Hell: Bill Gates Unleashing 30 Million Engineered Mosquitos on Colombia, Vietnam, Mexico

Every time I think sociopath-posing-as-nerd-hero Bill Gates couldn’t possibly get more reckless and maniacal in his pursuit of power, he outdoes himself.

First, he rushes through his Moderna mRNA shots and makes a fortune in the process, then he grants himself unilateral authority to block out the sun for “climate change,” and now he is unleashing tens of millions of mosquitoes engineered to carry unnatural bacteria on the unsuspecting people of the Third World

Gates Notes:

The mosquitoes being produced in this factory carry bacteria called Wolbachia that block them from transmitting dengue and other viruses, such as Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, to humans. By releasing them to reproduce with wild mosquitoes, they spread the bacteria, reducing virus transmission and protecting millions of people from illnesses…

The World Mosquito Program, which is leading the Wolbachia effort, is now releasing these mosquitoes in 11 countries: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu.

no need to add more.


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Plus the bats. Mosquitoes are bats' primary source of food. Since all "pandemics" come from batshit, I can't wait for the next "natural" mosquito to bat "pandemic."

Also, Fauxi also supposedly got a mosquito borne illness. I laugh at the irony, even if it's false. May he get sepsis from the "treatment" and hurry on to his hellish eternal rewards.

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Oxitec's flying syringes as they related to the PFE jab is covered here … back on April 17, 2022 …


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I hope they all burn in hell

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How wrong is it to wish for certain individuals to drop off this mortal coil and leave the rest of us in peace?

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One problem they face and with bio weapons in general is mosquitoes are indiscriminate, and dosage is uncontrolled. Unless they have the perfect mosquito repellent, it’s kind of like Frankenstein’s monster.

Great article and comments btw.

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