There is no left-right narradigm, there is only freedom and authoritarianism. The only difference is which truths are under attack today.

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Thank you for the timely reminder that Newt Gingrich sucks and is trash.

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tweeter haiku


when you start out to mock

firstly you must take stock

am i guilty of the same

but i am beyond shame


a mocking hypocrite

is simply full of shit

best be pure as ceasar's wife

if you live the mocking life


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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your best work to date

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i confess i am fascinated by those poems people really like, and those they don't... not sure i would put that one in my top 100 out of the thousand or so i have pooped out... on the other paw, those few i labor over and do Real Poety Shit i am kind of proud of, don't get noticed...

go figure...


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The Artist's Lament, no?

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now here we a'was, getting along all famously and all, and you insult me by insinuatin' i'm some kinda sorta effette Artiste, with a capital Ar !

no suh, i won't have it !

i am a common craftsman, a working class wordsmith, i ain't no steenken, parfumed, pampered Artiste ! ! !


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there's no shame in the silken, unweathered hands of the patronized artist!

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The U.S. Titanic has already taken on too much water and drowned the poor folk in the lower berths.

(Obama's Bidenomics, and border invasion. Cloward-Pivens is a spectacular success. America is destroyed)

Meanwhile the MSM Orchestra is playing a soothing tune while the pathological politicians reassemble the deck chairs on the upper deck. The cold darkness awaits most of the passengers who are not going to survive the night or an election.

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