... we can't call it mainstream media, anymore. Heavily scripted by the CIA, in the best interest of the Clintons and the Obamas, these elite newspaper editors, columnists, reporters and television news personalities are highly paid CIA assets. If ever caught stepping over the line, deviating from script, they wind up like Julian Assange, or Edward Snowdon. The Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas snuffed journalism. America no longer boasts a free, objective press - asj.

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mainstream in the sense that it's recognized broadly as the established, entrenched press that the power structure controls and uses to push its narratives

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... strangest darned story you've ever heard, the CIA has a surgically altered body-double waiting in the wings, for Julian Assange, to parade, reflective, circumspect and apologetic before the world press, while the real Julian Assange is secretly whisked away, to a Rudolph Hess-like Spandau Prison, made especially for him, for the CIA people to met out payback, to use as their pin cushion, for their amusement and merriment, a special viewing room with one-way see-through glass made, for Hilary Clinton, to watch. Isn't that the strangest thing you've ever heard? - asj.

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that is the strangest thing i've ever heard. im not saying it's not true but id have to see some evidence of it

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... poor Julian Assange. It's Abu Graib for him. He is doomed. And, he knows it. These revelations concerning the fate of Julian Assange have been floating around, better part of a decade, now. Assange and his people have known about this, since his entrapment in the Ecuadorian embassy. We reached out, made darned certain his people got word, exactly what the policy community people here in America have in store, for him - asj.

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... nobody in human history is more vindictive, than Hillary Clinton. When she green-lights someone? There's not darned thing anyone can do about it - asj.

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Nixon was brought down by Mark Felt out of jealousy when L. Patrick Gray was made FBI director following Hoover's demise. It was KGB-level intrigue, abetted by a press only too ready to depose their lifelong bugaboo (I'm sure gain wealth and fame weren't even secondary considerations). Nixon gained the title of 2nd president brought down by the Deep State (Kennedy's fatal lead allergy made him the first).

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... back in the day, intelligence was freelance. Only after WWII, did intelligence become nationalized, integrated into governmental agencies. Not 20 years later did the CIA assassinate its very first president. Not 10 years thereafter, did they take down Nixon. The most alarming revelation of what we've wrought, the CIA is now self-sustaining, fully independent, it produces its own income, and is no longer reliant upon appropriations The government in Washington DC no longer owns the CIA. The other way around, the CIA owns itself. And, God knows what - asj.

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Much like KGB and its predecessors did … they smuggled drugs, operated brothels, ran protection rackets and eventually installed their own man at the top (Andropov). By the end of the USSR, they were the only game in town in Moscow.

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I'm thinking Nixon could never completely come clean due to dirt the deep state and CIA (there I go, being redundant again!) had on him.

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Interesting how everything evil and controlling is under the MIC acronym. Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex, Media Industrial Complex. From now on, all evil will be known as MIC in my book.

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As early as 1915, just 2 years after effective organization of the Federal Reserve Bank. JP Morgan buys 25 Newspapers in order to affect Policy through Propaganda for financial gains and governmental power grab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIezHNlDuyM

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More and more people are trolling the mainstream media by calling them the legacy media, but the term is becoming accurate. Stations like CNN and newspapers are hemorrhaging viewers and readers, and I constantly read of papers these days like the LA Times cutting their newsrooms. Good riddance.

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Watergate isn't what it seemed.

Bob Woodward was not what he seemed.

I have not delved deeply into this subject, but on occasion have come across comments about Woodward being *connected* to the intelligence community.

Here is one link for your consideration.


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I have never delved deeply into it either but I know for sure Woodward is a slimeball

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I have seen a few articles claiming it was a set up, and they framed him like they tried to do with Trump.

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Amen, and this explains the totalitarian's horror at unfettered media like Substack. They had it all in the bag until Elon (love him or hate him) freed the blue bird. All the forces of hell (and the EU, at the risk of being redundant) are now arrayed against him as a result. The narrative wars are not a cold war, but a hot war.

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they are indeed terrified of rumble, bitchute, substack, and now X to a lesser degree

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Elon did not free anything.

His censorship chief is straight from his Alma Mater, The WEF.

Censorship continues unabated and any impression to the contrary is sleight of hand.

It's not debatable. Musk is a fake.

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