This is excellent news. I lost my first wife from her addiction to SSRI medicines. IMHO all SSRI should be yanked from the market and those addicted should be assisted in tapering off by people like Dr. Peter Breggin who has spent a lifetime trying to warn others about the dangers of these "psychiatric" drugs and their far reaching consequences on brain health.
I'd give it #2. Possibly 3, but thankfully he has a staff to do multiple tasks at the same time. I think vaccine safety (or lack thereof) should be #1. #2 is all the poisons they put in and on our food supply.
Autism and vaccines needs to be looked into, stat, and I don't like all this talk of self replicating mRNA vaccines. That's uninformed consent. Plus vaccines in our food? Unlabeled? Who thought THAT was a good idea???
Most of these "medications" advise in the attached leaflets they are not to be used for prolonged periods but so-called "doctors" continue to ignore those manufacturer's warnings so they can keep the dosh pouring in. After all someone has to pay for that ski trip to Europe and it might as well be the, mostly, women patients they manage to get hooked on these incredibly damaging drugs.
Why do so many women in particular feel such great stress these days compared to 40 years ago I wonder? Feminism has a lot to answer for.
I went on SSRI's ONCE, briefly. They were being touted at the time as an aid to quit smoking. After 3 days of taking them, I started vacillating between homicidal rage and suicidal depression. Never again. I decided at the time, that the world would be safer if I smoked. Managed to give up smoking with the aid of vaping 9 years ago.
Thankfully, I didn't get to the point where I had been taking them for so long that I couldn't get off of them. No wonder there's so many mass shootings here.
The grotesque irony of people who claim to love science but hysterically oppose scientific research.
This is excellent news. I lost my first wife from her addiction to SSRI medicines. IMHO all SSRI should be yanked from the market and those addicted should be assisted in tapering off by people like Dr. Peter Breggin who has spent a lifetime trying to warn others about the dangers of these "psychiatric" drugs and their far reaching consequences on brain health.
The Number One Issue He Needs To Investigate! Period!
Thanks Ben, -Edwin
I'd give it #2. Possibly 3, but thankfully he has a staff to do multiple tasks at the same time. I think vaccine safety (or lack thereof) should be #1. #2 is all the poisons they put in and on our food supply.
Autism and vaccines needs to be looked into, stat, and I don't like all this talk of self replicating mRNA vaccines. That's uninformed consent. Plus vaccines in our food? Unlabeled? Who thought THAT was a good idea???
Most of these "medications" advise in the attached leaflets they are not to be used for prolonged periods but so-called "doctors" continue to ignore those manufacturer's warnings so they can keep the dosh pouring in. After all someone has to pay for that ski trip to Europe and it might as well be the, mostly, women patients they manage to get hooked on these incredibly damaging drugs.
Why do so many women in particular feel such great stress these days compared to 40 years ago I wonder? Feminism has a lot to answer for.
I went on SSRI's ONCE, briefly. They were being touted at the time as an aid to quit smoking. After 3 days of taking them, I started vacillating between homicidal rage and suicidal depression. Never again. I decided at the time, that the world would be safer if I smoked. Managed to give up smoking with the aid of vaping 9 years ago.
Thankfully, I didn't get to the point where I had been taking them for so long that I couldn't get off of them. No wonder there's so many mass shootings here.