This is part of the op to spray New York and other cities in the US with something or other, is it not?

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

They are already spraying (and have been for years) many towns, cities and counties across the USA with a concoction of organophosphates attempting to mitigate arthropod disease. Clearly appears that our "public health" has not looked into the human health factor of this, or maybe they have, depends on how sinister you believe these people to be. At any rate, check out the toxicological information (section 11) in the SDS on one of the ingredients (piperonyl butoxide) sprayed in Tarrant County, TX. You'll see a lot of "no information available" meaning, it wasn't studied.

Clearly, these chemicals can cause respiratory issues if inhaled, GI issues if ingested, and who knows the toll it has on insect populations in general. We know what EMF can do with honeybee populations.

Is it far fetched to think that the symptoms associated with organophosphate poisoning are much different from what we call viruses?




From AllPro Vector Group spray:


Permethrin: CAS [52645-53-1]......................... 30.0%

Piperonyl Butoxide Technical CAS [51-03-6]........ 30.0%

OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................. 40.0%

Total 100.0%

Contains 2.52 lbs. a.i. Permethrin/gallon and 2.52 lbs. a.i. Piperonyl Butoxide/gallon

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Time to strap Farcheesy down and give him the real cv jabs!

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Convid or west nile - don’t really care what kills him.

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Hoping it's sepsis.

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The corporate media is the propaganda department of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations network, which has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. See charts: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/ See lists: https://www.cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

Allen Dulles ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird" along with Frank Wisner and Cord Meyer. Dulles was a CFR director for 40 years, Wisner and Meyer were CFR members. Media barons Paley (CBS), Sarnoff (NBC), Luce (Time/Life), Meyer/Graham (WashPost), and Sulzberger (NYTimes) were also CFR members. Same stuff, different decade. https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmockingbird.htm

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Every single “news story”, other than Epoch times et al.,seems to be part of the Truman Show world. That’s not the surprising part. The surprising part is how many still read them as news, objectively reported. I’m surrounded by clients and ever friends who take these “news outlets” at their word. 🤷🏻

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Why isn't this murdering thug twisting in the wind?

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That was soooo funny I laughed out loud. Thank you! It's pretty a bad state of affairs when a news story is so stupidly funny. These scare tactics by media are visible while also being pretty thin... Yes, it can make people sick. Yes, it is mosquito born. We use Herbal Armor Natural Insect Repellent and have used it for at least a decade. It works great. I spend hours in my food garden and do not get mosquito bites because of this product. AND, I am not affiliated with this company in any way. We live in central (mosquito heaven) Florida. Just use a natural bug repellant and you will be safe.

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When you first reported about Fauci having been bitten by a mosquito that caused him to have EEE, I told my husband about it, & he said it's probably a 'West Niler'. We live in the deep South on the Gulf Coast, & West Nile mosquitos can be problematic while you have the symptoms, but you eventually are alright. He'll be fine, & back to his authoritarian self in no time at all.

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There can be lasting paralysis…

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Globalism will always play everyone with their psycop … it’s time America 🇺🇸

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