Honestly, it’s not their fault. They are dealing addiction and don’t even know it. They survive on ultra processed junk food manufactured by mega corporations that tell them this stuff is good. The mega corporations use science bliss points to hook the population. These people need to be told the truth. We need food detox centers just as much if not more than we need drug rehab facilities.

Of course they will encourage the addicts to take up more space. We wouldn’t want to cure the addicts would we?

Just like we have methadone clinics for the heroine addict, we have snap cards for the food addicts.

When I see fat people, I see addicts.

I should know. I use to be one.

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Such treatment centers exist. The participation just isn’t mandatory like it is for drug or alcohol programs. Most people seek addictions help because the court or their employer demands they attend. Nobody is demanding fat people get help.

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The airlines weigh baggage, maybe fares should be based to some extent on passenger weight. It might give people some incentive to lose some flab.

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I love taking a big shit on fatties who try to rationalize their behavior like this. I'm a fatty, but I have no illusions, I've decided to eat like a starving monkey and not be fit because I like it. These piggies are just like me but want to pretend otherwise. "It's glandular!" "It's genetic!" Odd that their genetic glandular condition is not represented in areas with food scarcity.

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This DEI "you are fine just the way you are, dont change " vs The old Army motto "Be the Best you can Be". Just a thought?

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James Lindsay did a review of calls for allowing the mentally ill to teach children in Canada to be more inclusive. We are living through the looking glass.

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Something is out of whack. All we hear is that 1/3 of the country cannot afford food and yet the obesity train keeps adding more and more cars. It has to be something in the manufactured food and maybe even in the more natural foods. Or perhaps all those childhood vaccinations have altered the state of the body. I don't think anyone makes a conscious choice to become extremely over weight. Then again, maybe the "boundaries" of what constitutes over-weight have been created to sell more drugs.

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They want the unearned and undeserved and I am not going to give it to them! Their gimmicky Christian religion tells them that the sick and diseased are more virtuous than the strong and it's this morality they're attempting to shove down my throat. They are obese due to untreated abuse and neglect they suffered at the hands of their rotten to the core caregivers. We see this same phenomenon with homosexuals. Both suffer from gargantuan amounts of anxiety caused by poor parenting which they attempt to self medicate through various substances outside of themselves. Hopefully, the obese will seek help before having to have their legs amputated and the homosexual will seek help before having his penis amputated.

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Remember Michelle Obama at the Democrat convention? “She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of those who took more than they needed.” She was probably hypocritically referring to those greedy republicans but her sentiment should also apply to all gluttony.

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