Good article, will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

If the drug companies had their way, everything would be considered a disease if they could sell something for it or repurpose an existing high dollar drug for a new use.

Side effects? Who cares, they've got drugs for all of that as well. They sure didn't give a shit about Ivermectin for covid though. There wasn't enough profit in it and it might actually work.

If you actually cure something you get rid of your customer base. That's just basic Econ 101!!! No let's just give them 2 or 3 jabs and follow it up with one more for every variant that comes along. Wake up people!!!!

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Processed food may not be the Devil, but it is of the Devil.

I mentioned that my friend became slender for the first time in his life and did not like it.

What's really strange tor me is the crap he was anxious to get back to eating.

Ever had a can of La Choy Chop Suey? Just nasty stuff, and he could afford Prime Rib, but I have never even seen him eat a steak,and though I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, I have never seen his wife produce a meal I would call edible, just the worst cook ever.

Once, they had a party, and she has made sort of burritos.

The " salsa" was ketchup and mayonnaise, blended, and it was all over everything.

I am surprised he didn't dump the weight decades ago after he married her, and kept it off forever.

But I notice that a lot, the crap fat people eat must be designed to cause addiction, because it isn't very tasty for the most part.

I can make a vastly better burger than any restaurant chain, fast food or sit down.

Being fat mystifies me more than anything because eating crud Line bacon is repellent to me, I don't see the appeal.

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A great boon to me is rapeseed oil. Once you get to know what rapeseed oil tastes like you can tell immediately if this has been used in "food" even in a restaurant and so send it back. If more of us in the know wrote off to the places we buy food from and told them we wouldn't be back because of all the nasty ingredients they permit their suppliers to use that would improve the lives of billions .......... whilst we don't ever go near the junk ourselves except to read the labels and put it back on the shelf.

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Actually, I think obesity is a global health emergency. The WEF and WHO should step in and mandate weight control medications. They can also put us all on meatless diets, simultaneously knocking out the cow-farting global climate emergency. Imagine taking the latest Pfizer weight control meds while dining on pet Pfood for people made of Pfrankenveggies grown on Pfarms owned by Bill Gates, produced in Pfactories owned by Bill Gates. Oops, maybe I shouldn't give them ideas!

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I have had DB2 for 15 years. The drugs don't work. The only thing that got my weight down to sub obese and A1C to < 6.0 was a keto diet. Yummie. Salami and cheese every meal. Maybe with a fresh veggie now and then. I have a new body.

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Excellent advice for a distressing condiion. Thank you.

Yes, largely a problem created by big pharma, big ag plus big hate and imposed upon a gullible and misinformed public.

I hope vicitms can gather enough self respect to fight back.

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Agree, but you for got Big Gov; the entity which incentivizes all of it with assets seized from the individuals they serve.

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Brain disease? Of course not. But it’s a mental illness akin to other destructive compulsions.

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Yeah, it's a disease, and the really fascinating thing about it is it's a disease that seems remarkably absent in areas where food is scarce.

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Maybe this is good... Using drugs to cull the obese while making them feel they are going to the Balanced animals once again (if ever)!


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Weight loss is unbelievably simple - eat less calories than you expend per day. Count your calories and then divide by ten and you have your weight. I eat 1290 calories a day. I weigh 129 pounds. If the average American eats 2000 calories a day (recommended by the medical industrial complex) then the average American weighs 200 lbs - voila! the average American is overweight.

It also doesn't matter what you eat, just as long as the calorie count is within rage. As for the miracle Diabetes drugs, the reason people are losing weight is the loss of muscle, not fat.

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Years ago I had considered setting up a weight loss company for the morbidly obese that would basically take these hefalumps and dump them in their own shed on one of the thousands of uninhibited islands here in Scotland with enough food to keep any normal person going for a year plus a bit of fishing tackle and basic instructions on how to use it. I would then come back in a year and take the normal weight person back off the island or burn the shed to the ground if the hefalump had been so greedy as to eat all the food in the first week and then die of hunger. If someone had done that with the degenerate's friend Oprah 30 years ago we wouldn't have had to put up with 30 years of her lies as those lies would undoubtedly have burnt up with her fat rotting carcase in her shed.

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